Junko x Shy Virgin Reader x Mukuro NSFW

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I was pushed down and pinned onto the bed by my girlfriend Mukuro. She gently bit my neck and sucked on it.

"Are you sure you want to do this Y/N?" My other girlfriend asked. "Yes I'm sure. I want to do this with you two" They both were visibly blushing and they smiled at me.

"Are you nervous" I nod "would you like me to hold your hand through it" Mukuro offered "y-yes" I grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

Junko crawled closer to me and took off my shirt then my shorts. "Are you 100% sure" "yes" "Junko, this is Y/Ns first time be extremely gentle" "b-but but but being gentle is boooorniiiiing" "it's just this one time" "Y/N, have you ever master baited" I shake my head. "Wow so your like a complete virgin"

Junko placed her hands on my panties feeling how wet they were. "Oh my Y/N your so wet" She licked her lips. "Remember to be gentle Junko"

"I will you have to be gentle too" "I will be" Junko slowly pulled down my panties and stared at my wet pussy while blushing.

"Are you ready darling" "y-yes" Mukuro slowly shoved two of her fingers Inside of me. I gasped and hissed as my eyes welled up from the sudden contact. Mukuro paused and kissed my cheek. " just tell me when I can move them" I wait a few seconds to adjust then nod. She slowly curled and straightened her fingers inside of me.

I let out small, soft and frequent moans. Junko watched us and kissed my neck. I squeezed mukuros hand and gripped the bed sheets with my other hand as Junko took off my bra and sucked on my nipple.

Mukuro sucked on my other nipple and moved her fingers faster. I tightened my grip and bit my lip.

"ah~ I'm gonna cum" "good puppy cum for us" "aaaaaaaahh~" I came on  her hand.

Junko pulled out a vibrator and pushed her sister out of the way. "Hey what was that for" "trust me" She spread apart my legs and shoved the vibrator In me causing me to gasp

She turned it on a high setting and grinded her pussy against the vibrator shoving it deeper into me. Mukuro groped and played with my tits.

I moaned as she grinded harder. We were both panting hard. Mukuro started to finger herself and we were all panting and moaning messes.

Junko turned up the vibrator to the highest setting and grinded as hard as she could. I moaned louder and louder. Mukuro fingered herself harder and moaned more.

"J-junko mmh I-Im g-gonna cum~" "aaah meee toooo~" "lets a-all do it together aaaaah~" We all came around the same time and layed on the bed panting. I let go of Mukuros hand and hugged the both of them.

"So much for you being gentle.." "Awe is my baby tired" I nodded. "Did you have fun" Mukuro caressed my cheek. "Yeah" "good, but I hope you know next time I wont hold back" "I think I'll be prepared" I yawned. Junko picked me up bridal style and layed me down. She gave me new panties and a bra to wear as Mukuro cleaned up the bed. Mukuro and Junko both changed into clean panties and bras then the three of us cuddled until we fell asleep.

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