Mastermind Mukuro x reader

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Requested by Dispair_Sisters_Simp


I have to get out of here

I have no choice

I'm sorry Naegi

I tightened my grip on the knife and slammed it down towards Naegi s heart. He just barley caught it with both of his hands. He managed to grip the knife from my hand and pushed me to the floor. "I'm sorry!" He screamed as he stabbed my arm.

His skin was pale "I-Im sorry I don't want to do this I hope you can forgive me!!" He held the knife in the air. I saw my life flash before my eyes. I saw everything in slow motion as the knife was getting closer and closer to me.I closed my eyes as I heard a gun shot.

I felt the weight of Naegi fall off of me and I opened me eyes. He has a bullet wound right in between his eyes and I saw the life drain from his eyes. I sat there panting and staring at him. I felt light headed and my vision blurred. My head felt light and my vision started to go dark. I collapsed on the floor passed out.

My head hurt like crazy as I slowly opened my eyes. I squinted from the bright lights and I saw computers but I couldn't make out what was on them. I felt something on my arm and realized someone was holding it.

I was tied to a chair and I heard a soft voice. "Ah your finally awake" I turned my head and saw a tall girl with short black hair. "Careful moving your head so much you hurt it badly when you got slammed on the ground"

"w-who are you" "my name is Mukuro Ikusaba I am the mastermind" "I-I should be dead where's Naegi!?!" "Sshh don't yell. I killed him remember?" "W-what" "I had no choice I couldn't just let you die and he was going to kill you"

"B-but why would you save me" She sat on my lap and held my face smiling warmly. "Because I love you Y/N" She pulled my face closer to hers and connected our lips.

I froze not knowing what to do.

Do I kiss her back

She is kinda cute

Wait no shes the mastermind I can't like her

She killed Naegi

Well to be fair I tried to kill him first

She only killed him because he was about to kill me

She broke the kiss and I stared at her blushing. "Ah so you do like me back. That's good to know" She stood up and walked over to the computers. She pressed a button and the body discovery announcement went off.

"These are the cameras where I monitor all the students" I finally was able to adjust my eyes to the light and see the monitors. I saw the others investigating Naegi s body and....... Mine? "I can see your confused. Different body I burnt it so it would be unrecognisable. I framed Naegi for your death by burning you and then he killed himself. I set everything up perfectly so you don't have to worry about me getting caught"

I continued to watch them. "Hey! You good why aren't you responding I was talking to you" "why am I tied up" She sighed. "Because your stubborn and If you weren't you would try to escape" "I won't I promise"

"I can't risk it" She paused "but I do have to move you...." She grabbed a combat knife and cut the ropes tying me to the chair. She then put hand cuffs on me and  grabbed my arm then we walked into a different room with a monokuma on the door. She has a tight grip on me and held the knife in my view so I know she has it and she's prepared in case I try to escape.

She opened the door and it was a bedroom. There was a dresser a desk some guns hanging on the wall and a bed. She picked me up and layed me on the bed.

She room out some more rope. "Is that really necessary" she sighed. "If you promise to be a good girl I'll let you stay untied" "I promise" She put the rope away "I'm still not taking off the handcuffs. I haven't trained you get so you might still try to escape. All though you seem to be pretty obedient already"

She sat next to me and pet my hair. "I knew you were gonna try to kill someone to escape and I knew you were going to fail. Im just glad I made it in time" She kissed me

"I will keep you here safe with me forever"

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