Mukuro x reader x Junko part 2 (NSFW)

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"Y/n-chan were back!" My heart skipped a beat as I heard Junko heels click as she walked.

Mukuro was holding a box and I was scared about what was inside of it.

"Now normally we would brainwash you into despair by showing you the killing tape but unfortunately that didn't work so were gonna have to do it a different way~"

Junko detached the handcuffs from the desk but still left them on me. "You see l/n I'm super into you. I have been since we first met and so is Mukuro. So we found a perfect way to brainwash you~"

She pushed me against my desk and bend me over. "H-hey what are you doing"

"You'll see~" Junko pulled down my pants and underwear "gah!" I immediately got super flustered not know what to do. The two of them over powered me and I couldn't even move. I felt so weak and helpless and embarrassed.

"Hand me the strap mukuro~" "w-what" "here you are"
I didn't know what they were doing behind me until I felt something large and slippery thrust inside me.

I moaned out from the pleasure and immediately covered my mouth. "One moment Junko" Mukuro pushed Junko out of the way and slapped my ass as hard as she could. "Keep your fucking hands away"

"Kinky~" I hear Junko say to Mukuro 
as I feel Junko start thrusting the strap in and out of me at a fast pace. I few moans escaped my mouth as Junko grabbed onto my hair and tugged on it to go even faster.

Junko smashed her hips into me repeatedly. "Fuck! Yes this feels so amazing!" Junko moaned out. I soon became a moaning mess not being able to hold back anymore.

The room filled with my pants and moans as Junko fucked me for hours on end while mukuro watched and spanked me when I disobeyed them.

My ass was red and sore and I had came almost twelve times. I couldn't talk any more I could barley even moan. I felt Junko pull out and lift me up.

She looked into my dull eyes and giggled. "So adorable! I'm so glad it worked! Mukuro look at how obedient she looks" Mukuro smiles "I'm glad your happy now let's get y/n cleaned up and in bed"

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