Yandere Ibuki x reader lemon

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Requested by vanessatejadajavier


We had been stuck on this island for a while now and multiple people have died. I've made sure to always lock my door but there was someone who always stuck with me.

Ibuki mioda. She's always been there for me and she hangs out with me every night. One day she decided to invite me to her cabin. "Ibuki I have to tell you something" "what is it Y/N-chan" "I like you" I blurted out with a red face. She stared at me blankly "do you like me back" "....."

Shit I messed up I shouldn't ha-

My thoughts are cut off by Ibuki kissing me. She pulled away and giggled "I've wanted to do that for a long time" we started making out and she kissed my neck and gave me hickeys. We had been making out for a long time when I decided I should head back to my cabin to get some sleep.

"Hey I should head back" "wait no don't leave" "but it's late" "I can't let you leave you might get killed I won't risk it" "Ibuki what's going on your acting different" "I won't let you leave"

"Why is the door locked" "I've already claimed you when I gave you hose hickeys. I can't let you leave you could get killed or hurt. I especially can't let those perverted boys near you" "I'll be fine!" "The others don't know your mine yet what if one of them tries to steal you away"

Does she have the display disease or something why is she acting like this

"I need to show the others that you belong to me" She pulled me onto the bed. "I-Ibuki"

"I'll be gentle y/n I promise I just need to claim you" I felt my face heat up from her words and the fact that this hot girl was dominating me right now kinda turned me on.

"I-Ibuki-" "I'll be quick I promise" I nod slightly giving her my consent and the two of us start kissing. We soon got into a heated make out session and I could tell she was getting more and more horny.

She soon starts so kiss and suck on my neck leaving hickeys all over. She unbuttons my shirt and leaves hickeys all over my chest.

She slides my skirt and panties off and spreads my legs out. She then thrusts two of her fingers inside of me while starting to bite my shoulder.

"Ibukiiii~" I moan her name as she fingers me at a fast pace while she bites down on my neck. "How do my fingers feel" "amazing~" I moan out

"How close are you" "c-close" "heh I knew you would like it fast" Ibuki adds another finger and I feel a hugs knot in my stomach.

Ibuki adds a forth finger and I feel the knot start to loosen. "Ah~ I-Ibuki~" "yes baby" "I'm gonna cum~!" "Good girl cum for me and make sure you scream my name loud and clear"

Ibuki replaces her fingers with her tongue. Almost immediately after she does that I hit my climax and arch my back in pleasure "aaah~! Ibuki!!"

My body twitches and I lean back on the bed frame. "See I told you I would be fast" "y-you also said you would be gentle" Ibuki giggles looking at all the bite marks and hickeys all over me.

"Come on get your clothes back on and we can go sit by the shore and watch the sunset sound fun?"

I'm so sorry this took so long to make I lost motivating for a long time but I have it again so I hope you enjoy

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