Sayaka x Mukuro (smut)

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Sayaka pinned Mukuro against the wall while sucking on her neck leaving yet another hickey. "Are you sure you want to do this" Sayaka says breathing heavily with her knee in between Mukuros legs.

"Yes. T-teach me what to do I-I want to pleasure you" "this is your first time Mukuro I want to make this all about you" "are you sure" Sayaka nods

"O-okay well what should I do" "here just lay down and uh take off your clothes"
"Um okay" Mukuro awkwardly takes off her clothing leaving her in only a bra and underwear

Sayaka does the same and climbs on top of Mukuro. Mukuro stares deeply into sayakas eyes "Mukuro?" "Yeah" "are you okay? Are you really sure you want to do this because if you don't we don't have t-" "no no no it's not that it's just your eyes are beautiful" Sayaka smiles "thanks cutie"

"So um what do I-" "just relax and let me do everything" "o-okay" "Mukuro I can still feel you shaking don't be so nervous sweetheart I won't hurt you" "I know I just feel bad" "Don't. Trust me doing this will be enough pleasure for me" Mukuro nods and relaxes.

Sayaka slowly takes off Mukuros panties and sees how wet she is. "Wow..." Sayaka says sort of surprised at how turned on Mukuro was just from them making out.

"Now spread out your legs baby" "um okay" Mukuro spreads her legs "likes this?" Sayaka nods. "Okay now this might feel a little weird at first" Sayaka slips one of her fingers inside Mukuro. Mukuro was already so tight Sayaka could barley fit her finger in. "Relax Mukuro I won't hurt you I promise" "I'm sorry" "don't apologize I was nervous my first time as well" Mukuro takes a deep breath

"I love you Mukuro" "I love you too" Sayaka gently curls her fingers inside if Mukuro. Mukuro breathes heavily already feeling the pleasure. Sayaka notices how quickly Mukuro adapted and added another finger.

Mukuro let's out a small moan covering her mouth from embarrassment. Sayaka giggles "don't be embarrassed that was adorable. I want to make your moan louder~" I sayaka moves her fingers faster

Mukuros breathing becomes more shakey as she tries to hold in her moans. Sayaka used her free hand and her mouth to take off Mukuros bra. Sayaka gently pinched Mukuros nipple and sucked on the other one while moving her fingers faster.

Mukuro began drooling as she moaned from the immense pleasure she was feeling.

Sayaka removed her fingers causing Mukuro to whimper. Sayaka stared down at her girlfriend lustfully as she licked her fingers clean.

Sayaka placed soft kisses down Mukuros body getting lower and lower. Sayaka sucked and nibbled on Mukuros clit.

Mukuro had become a moaning mess as Sayaka swirled her tongue around Mukuros clit.

"Sa-sayaka! I-Im gonna a-ah~!" Mukuro let out a loud high pitched moan as she came in sayakas mouth.

Mukuros breath was shaky as she layed there panting slightly. Sayaka pulled away panting. "Mmmm~ yummy"

Sayaka sat between Mukuros legs and kissed her. The two started making out for a bit until sayaka pulled away. Sayaka wiles away the bit of drool on Mukuros cheek and smiles "was that fun" Mukuro nods.

Sayaka gets a wet towl and cleans off Mukuros legs. She gets mukuro a clean pair if bra and panties and helps her change into them.

"So what should we do now" "cuddle..." Mukuro says tired. The two of them cuddle and watch movies until they fall asleep.

Ah sorry this chapter is weird and short and probably full of spelling errors but I'm bored and I want to write something and this is my comfort ships sooo yeah

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