Junko x reader x Mukuro

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I hid in a closet as I heard gunshots echo through the school hallways. I had a pocked knife in my hand as my only for of defense and I tried to hide more but the closet was small and cramped. I heard screaming and gunshots as well as foot steps, some running and some going limp.

There was no way out of the school from where I was. The only hallway that has an exit is being blocks off and there aren't any windows in any of the rooms near me.

I heard the clicking of heels from someone who I assume was one of the shooters. There were two people walking towards te classroom I was hiding in, I could tell from the footsteps. I heard the door to the classroom open as I heard a gunshots.

There was only one other person hiding in here and I guess they got caught. I held my head and cried silently as I heard the footsteps grow closer.

"How do we even know she's in this classroom" "we have to check the whole school I know we'll find her eventually" I heard muffled voices speak. "Go check that closet" One of the voices said. I heard footsteps get closer and closer as I plugged my ears and silently sobbed.

I saw the light come into the closet as someone opened the door. "Junko"  I head the second pair of footsteps as I wondered why they didn't shoot me yet.

I couldn't see them since I was looking down but I could tell they were starting to me. " L/n-chan! I finally found you!" One of the voices cheered. "Can I get a hug"

What the fuck is going on why haven't they shot me yet!?

"Hey! You alive? Im talking to you"
I felt someone grab my chin and lift up my head. I saw two girls looking down at me. One with short black hair and purple eyes and the other with strawberry blonde hair parted in two giant pigtails.

"Awe why are you crying come here" The blond held her arms out for me to hug her. The one with black hair was still holding my chin and looking down at me "don't be scared we won't hurt you" I still remained frozen as tears continued to stream down my face.

The blond got impatient and just decided to hug me. "Mmmmm so warm" "Junko be gentle can't you see she's scared right now go easy on her" "im not doing anything wrong Mukuro"

So I assume the blond is Junko and the black haired is Mukuro.

The blond girl let go of me "So anyways in Junko Enoshima but you can just call me the love of your life" She winked.

So I was right her name is Junko

"And were here for you cutie" She booped me on the nose "w-what" "you heard me. You see we've been searching for you for a while and now that we finally have you were not letting you get away. You should feel special we killed everyone in this school just to be with you"

She caressed my cheek and wiped away my tears. "Don't cry cutie your safe with us"

"We won't hurt you y/n the whole reason we came to you is so we can keep you safe with us. My name is Mukuro" The girl with black hair lifted my chin and smiles down at me.

"Come on y/n-chan let's go!" "W-what" "well we didn't come here just to say hi then leave no silly! We came here to take you back to our home" "n-ni I don't want to go back with you two y-you just killed everyone in my school" "oh darling they all hated you anyways I did you a favor" Junko cupped my face in her hands. "G-get away from me!" They both sighed. "And I thought this was gonna be easy but if I'm being honest you playing hard to get is pretty hot"

"Y-your crazy" Junko started laughing and laughing and laughing as Mukuro came up fork behind me and put a cloth over my mouth and nose. "of course I'm crazy y/n I'm crazy for you~" The last thing I heard was Junkos giggle as I passed out

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