Kaito x Rantaro (fluff)

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Requested by Lattepunch
This is my first time writing about the ship so I'm sorry if it's bad

"Come sidekick! We are off to the first ride!" "Uh hey quiet down a bit babe people are staring at us" Kaito grabbed Rantaros hand and let him to the first ride. "This is said to be the scariest ride at the park. So if you get scared you can hold my hand" Kaito winks. Rantaro smiles at him and the two get in line. "It's a good thing we got the fast passes or else it would have taken us hours to be able to actually get on the ride"

"Well it was all thanks to me your amazing boyfriend" "I still feel bad for making you pay" "Don't worry sidekick I'm happy to pay"

The two of them got on the ride and it started. It was a rollercoaster that started with a big uphill then drop. "Im enjoying the view" Rantaro says looking down at the amusement park as they get higher and higher. "Me too" Kai to says staring at Rantaro like the fucking simp he is.

"They make it to the drop and the rollercoaster pauses. " is it gonna AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" kaito screams at the top of his lungs and squeezes his boyfriends hand

Once the ride was over Kaitos face was pale and he was shaking and clinging to his boyfriend "hey uh what about we go get some food" Rantaro says comforting his boyfriend "c-can we go home" "oh uh yeah sure"

The two head home with Kaito traumatized and Rantaro happy to have gotten to spend time with his boyfriend

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