Junko x Chiaki

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It was late and everyone at the sleepover was asleep exept for Chiaki who was playing Mario cart by herself. She then felt a hand on her leg and looked over to see Junko half asleep " hey cutie what are you still doing awake " Junko yawns

" oh just playing Mario Kart wanna join" Chiaki offered Junko a controller. "Hmmmm maybe later I'm pretty cold so I'm gonna get an extra blanket wanna come with me? "

" alright sure! " Junko and Chiaki get up and head upstairs to Celestia's livingroom (the sleepover is at celestias house and its just a bunch of the girls there)

Junko picks up some extra blankets and goes to head back down to the basement. " wait up I'm gonna get some monster " " alright cutie " Chiaki grabs a can of monster off the counter and opens it. She then takes a sip and runs to the downstairs but trips and falls like a dumbass.

" Chichi are you okay!? " "yeah I'm fine but the monster spilled everywhere " " oh alright let's go find some towels "

" alright " Chiaki gets up and the two head to the bathroom. " Junko I found some " Chiaki says pointing to a cabinet full of towels.

"Great job cutie " Chiaki blushes a little from the nickname. " umm cutie you got monster all over your jacket and shirt " " oh crap " Chiaki takes off her jacket and puts it in the sink. " your shirt too " " huh " " there monster all over it "

" oh " Chiaki hesitantly unbuttons her shirt and puts it in the sink as well. Junko bit her bottom lip while looking at Chiaki and admiring her. Chiaki notices Junko staring and starts to feel a little self conscious.

" Um Junko? " " huh "

" I- uh I can see you staring " " heh~ how can I not " Junko steps closer and presses against chiaki making her step back until she hits the wall. Junko pins Chiaki's arms above her head and presses her chest against Chiakis.

Junko leans in close and nibbles on chiakis earlobe. Junko shoves her knee in between Chiaki's legs and presses it against her pussy.

" you're so fucking hot~ " Junko pinches Chiakis nipples causing her to squeak. Junko giggles " what a cute sound~ I can't wait to make you scream~ "

Chiakis face was bright pink at this point making Junko giggle. " Chiaki~ " "y-yes" " " may I touch you " Junko says while analysing Chiakis facial expressions. Chiaki nods still a flustered mess and Junko trails her hands down Chiaki's body still with her chest pressed up against her.

Junko traces her hands slowly down Chiakis body and to her inner thighs sending chills down Chiakis spine. Junko slides down Chiakis skirt and places her hand on Chiakis panties.

"May I~? " Chiaki nods " J-Just be gentle i-its my first time" "of course baby "

Junko swirls her finger around Chiakis clit coating her finger in Chiakis wetness to act as a lubricant.

"Are you ready? " Chiaki nods and Junko slips two fingers inside of her.
Chiaki gasps and winces a little. Junko holds Chiakis hand and gently squeezes it while waiting for Chiaki to adjust. She nods and squeezes Junkos hand.

Junko begins to curl and straighten her fingers inside Chiaki causing her to let out soft moans.

Junko pumps her fingers and Chiaki moans louder causing a smirk to form on Junkos face.

" don't cum without Mommy's permission okay " " m-mommy? " "yes that's what I want you to start calling me understand? " Chiaki nods " good girl "

Junko speeds up and pace of her fingers and Chiaki feels her back begin to arch. Junko uses her free hand to pinch and rub Chiakis clit while still pumping her fingers.

"Ah~! J-Junko~ " Junko shoves a third finger inside of Chiaki causing her to hiss and tear up. Junko doesn't stop her fingering to let Chiaki adjust she just keeps going " kitty what did I just tell you to call me " Junko says sternly. Chiaki finally adjusts to having three fingers fucking her and she breathes shakely

"S-sorry mommy.... Ah~" " now what is it you wanted to tell mommy~? "

"I-im gonna cum "

Junko slows down the pace of her fingers causing chiaki to whimper. " you're mine understand? You shall refer to me as mommy, ma'am or mistress all the time weather were in public or not and I don't want you hanging out with any boys at all and when you hang out with girls I have to be there with you. You will wear a collar and be my obedient little kitty and I will be your mommy and take care of you and let you love a life of luxury and pleasure. Now cum "

Chiaki nods as her back arches more. Junko speeds up her fingers even more and smirks as the pink haired gamer let's out a very loud moan as she climaxes. Junko keeps moving her fingers letting Chiaki ride out her orgasm and once Chiakis finished Junko removes her fingers. Junko then licks her fingers clean with a smirk on her face while among direct eye contact with Chiaki.

Chiaki blushes and looks the other way making Junko giggle. She stands back up and pulls Chiaki into a hug.


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