Miu x Tsumugi

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Miu and tsumugi were showering in the girls locker room. Miu was pretty flustered showering next to her crush them both completely naked and the only two there. Miu glanced at Tsumugi for a second staring at her slick hot body. Miu felt herself getting wet, Tsumugi then glanced at Miu and smirked. Miu quickly looked away with her face turning bright red. Tsumugi knew how flustered Miu was and got a plan.

" aww you're so cute~ " Tsumugi teased " S-Shut up whore! " " aww baby~ don't be so rude~ "

"B-baby?! " " alright I'm just gonna cut to the chase, I see the way you stare at me in class I know that sweet little pussy of yours is probably soaking just looking at me. I know you like me I know you fantasize about me penetrating your pussy with my tongue. I feel the same way about you I want to fuck you so badly I want to feel your tight pussy around my fingers. Now if you don't want this you can stop me at any point alright " Tsumugi says while grabbing Miu's chin.

" w-wha-mhp" Miu was cut off by tsumugi kissing her. Miu kissed back as Tsumugi pressed Miu against the wall, their chests squishing together.

Tsumugi pulls away and whispers in Miu's ear as her hands trail down Miu's body. " I want to take your virginity baby is that okay? " Miu nods eagerly which causes Tsumugi to smirk.

Tsumugi teases Miu's soaking wet entrance until enough of her wetness was on tsumugis finger to use as a lubricant. She slowly slips one finger inside.

"B-be extra gentle okay " Tsumugi gogglea as she slowly curls her finger. Tsumugi fingers Miu for three minute or so before adding in a second finger. Miu held onto Tsumugi feeling so much pleasure she could barley stand. " where'd that bratty persona go huh~"

"S-shu... S-shut ah~! " Tsumugi curls her fingers roughly abusing Mius G spot "fuck fuck fuuuuck~ "

Tsumugi pumped her fingers faster and faster as Miu legs beg and to shake. Miu could barley keel standing, she held onto Tsumugi tightly, her legs shaking, her moans frequent.

Tsumugi got close to her ear and seductively whispered " are you gonna cum baby~" "yes~! " "oh good~ cum for mommy "

" f-fuuuuck~! I'm cuming~! " Miu Moans loudly while cuming. She pants as she falls onto Tsumugi with her legs so shakey she can barley stand.

"Aww~ my sensitive baby~"

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