kyoko x celestia smut

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requested by the most annoying person ever  Dispair_Sisters_Simp

Okay before you read this I want to tell you celestia did not rape kyoko all the sex in these stories is 100% consensual

I was sitting on the couch talking with Sayaka, Celestia and Mukuro when Celestia stood up "I am going to fix us some drinks"

"Let me help" I offered "your very sweet kyoko darling but it's fine I can do it by myself" Celestia walked to the kitchen and I continued talking with Sayaka.

"So Kyoko who do you have a crush on" "where did this come from" "come on just tell me" I sighed "fine but you must not tell her" "hah I knew you were gay!"

"Sayaka-" "yes muku I'm aware I'm gay too I'm just saying kyoko is fruity" "do you want me to tell you or not" "tell me!" I sighed "it's celestia" I mumbled "woah really" Mukuro said "OMFG WE HAVE TO TELL HER" "Calm down love you promised kyoko you wouldn't tell her" "your right your right I'm sorry" just as soon as Sayaka said that Celestia walked back into try living room and handed us all drinks.

"I apologize for taking so long" "it's fine thank you for the drink" "kyoko darling would you mind helping me with something" "sure" I take a sip of my drink and stand up. I see a slight smirk on Celestias face as she walks to her room. I follow her while admiring her house.

Half was there I start to feel weird. "Are you alright kyoko darling" "yes I'm fine" "if you say so"

We walk into Celestias room and I see  her lock the door when she closes it. I feel a rush of heat come over me and I fall onto the bed.

"Ugh w-whats going on" "as I see it's working" "w-whats working" I feel an unbearable heat in between my legs as I breath heavily. "The potion I took from teruteru and put into all your drinks. Now it should only be a minute before you fully submit to me so I should get started"

"Y-your the worst" "don't be scared love this is gonna be the best night of your life~"

I felt the burning sensation between my legs worsen as I became desperate. I glare at her as she crawls closer to me  "don't look at me like that i know what you need now" celestia gets her drills off and accessories. I groan from how absolutely desperate I was for her touch

"Now on your knees slut" Celestia said in a assertive tone. I did as she demanded without heasitition. Celestia slowly takes her clothing off and teases my entrance

I let out a small whimper "my my~ someone's needy~" "I hate you so much" "yet you act like an obedient puppy awaiting your next command" She grabs my hips and smashes them onto her thighs which makes me moan.

"Oh kyoko your so desperate~ Ive only done a bit of teasing and your already about to break~" She grinded against me. My chest pressed against the bed sheets as I breathed heavily.

Whatever she put in my drink fully kicked in and I couldn't handle it anymore. "Celestia... P-please.." I felt her hands slither up my stomach and grab my tits "please what kyoko darling~"

"Please just fuck me already" "good girl~ but I'm not done teasing you just yet" she traces her fingers along my inner thighs. I whimpered and whined as she teased me for what felt like hours but in reality was only a few minutes.

"Celestia please I can't take it anymore please please please please just fuck me fuck me as hard as you can fuck me until I pass out do whatever you want with me I don't care please just fuck me already!"

"I so love hearing you beg Kyoko finally you've completely submitted to me don't worry I'll make sure to go easy on you it is your first time after all~" "Go as rough as you want I could care less just please fuck me already!"

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