Kyoko x Junko lemon

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Requested by literary no one

Kyoko snarled as she was pinned to the wall. "Let me go you bitch" no matter how much of a tsundere she was, Kyoko could not hide the fact she was flustered. They were so close their lips were only a few inches away from each other.

Kyoko looked up at the  psychopathic fashionista looking down on her, licking her lips with a seductive glance. "w-whore" Kyoko felt her cheeks heating up even more as the strawberry blonde girl closed the gap in between them with a kiss. Pressing her body against kyokos, Junko smirked into the kiss.

Kyoko felt herself melting into the kiss as she had always fantasized about something similar to this happening and finally it did. Junko slipped her tongue into kyokos mouth passionately French kissing her.

Kyoko didn't fight it, she never wanted it to end. As the two girls passionately made out Junko slipped her leg in between kyokos.

Feeling herself getting even more flustered kyoko pulled away from the kiss in need of air but, Junko only gave her a few seconds before grabbing her face and kissing her again. This time as they were making out Junko pressed her knee into kyokos panty covered core.

Kyoko moaned into the kiss as Junko rubbed her core with her knee. "who's the whore now~?" "S-shut it Enoshima" "hmmmm no I don't think I will" Junko says with a smirk as Kyoko snarls

Junko chuckles and presses her chest against kyokos getting as close as possible.

"I saw the way you melted into that kiss you're really enjoying this huh~? A fantasy of yours I assume? Well it doesn't matter anyways because soon you'll belong to me and no one will take you away~ not celestia, not byakuya, not sayaka, not that dumbass Neagi. No one, you are mine you're fucking mine and no one else's I've been waiting for a chance to be alone with you so I can finally claim you and I won't let anything ruin this."

Junko says pressing her chest against Kyokos. Her hands traveled down Kyokos body and slowly caressed her hips.

"H-hey cut it out someone will catch us" Kyoko says even though both her and Junko know she wants this. Junko chuckles "everyone's already gone home it's just you and me~" Junko says as her hands slowly pulls down kyokos skirt

Kyokos face got redder and redder by the second. "J-just be gentle okay.... I've never done anything like this before.... " kyoko mumbles the last part

Junko chuckles as she slips her hands into kyokos panties. She swirls her finger around Kyokos clit causing soft moans to emerge from the sensitive detective.

Junko pinched and rubbed kyokos clit with her thub and pointer finger. With the same hand Junko coated her middle and ring finger in kyokos wetness before inserting them in.

Kyoko gasped and teared up slightly. Junko gave her a moment to adjust before curling her fingers. Kyoko gripped onto Junko as it still hurts a bit but she liked the pain.

Junko pumped her fingers causing the detective to moan into Junkos shoulder.

Junko chuckled picking up the pace. Kyoko bit into Junkos shoulder to muffle her moans. " so cute~ " Junko says pumping her fingers faster and faster.

Kyoko squeezes her legs together feeling herself getting close making the fashionista growl. Junko forcefully spread out kyoko legs adding a third finger as a sort of punishment. Kyoko teared up as she felt herself about to climax.

"You gonna cum~? " Junko says teasingly. Kyoko nods still bitting into Junkos shoulder and the fashionista giggles.

"Go ahead~" Kyoko bites Junkos shoulder harder while squeezing her legs together as she cums. Junko removes her fingers from Kyoko and licks them clean whilst making eyes contact with the purple haired detective.

Kyoko was flushed making Junko giggle. "That was fun but, I can't wait to make you scream~"

To be continued.........

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