Kyoko x Junko

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Requested by Dispair_Sisters_Simp

"Puhuhuuu~ looks like you caught me~ " Junko said as the smoke around her cleared. " Junko Enoshima what do you have to say for yourself " Kyoko says pointing her finger at Junko.

" aww you and your stupid hope figured me out good job " Junko says sarcasticly. " I can't believe I was right....... " Naegi mumbles.

" yeah blah blah blah I'm the mastermind I cased all this shit whatever. This game ended waaaay too soon and I still got a shit ton of despair to spread across the world so sorry but you all gotta die byyeeee~" I giant red button appeared in front of Junko.

" wait you can't kill us! " Naegi screamed "Even if kill is you will be defeated you can't kill the hope that loves in this world! " Kyoko yelled " damn kyoko your gross disgusting hope is kinda turning me on~ " Naegi gulped

"H-hey don't get distracted we still have the right to a fair trial! " Naegi yelled "you're just scared we'll beat you! " Kyoko said crossing her arms

Junko hopped over the podium and run to kyoko. She grabbed kyoko tie and pulled her closer only two inches away from them kissing.

"I am willing to make a deal so you and your friends can live " she said pushing up her glasses. Kyoko pulled away and fixed her tie. " what kind of deal "

" it's simple really. I will let your friends free if you give your life to me " " what do you mean by that " " I mean I'll let everyone leave this school unharmed if you submit to me and become mine and mine forever "

Kyoko stepped back and thought. "Kyoko no! I would rather die then leave you here with this monster!" Naegi yelled " shut up eggboy she's thinking "

" kyoko no who knows what she'll do to you! " Asahina said a little scared
Kyoko stood there silent. "You promise not to hurt them...? " "mhm! " Junko said excitedly.

" kyoko no " " fine. If you agree to let everyone else go free then I will stay here with you "

Junko excitedly ran back over to her podium and sat on her throne. " see you guys later~" Junko smashed her hand down on the button and within an instant hundreds of monokumas started chasing the students leading them outside as a chain collar wrapped around Kyokos neck and pulled her onto Junkos throne with her.

Junko wrapped her arms around Kyoko waist and hugged her. " ah finally you have no idea how long I've been waiting to do this for "

" what are you gonna do to me " Kyoko snapped. " aaawwww don't be so mean~"  Junko said switching to her cute persona. " god damnit just tell me what you're gonna do to me-!" Kyoko was cut off by Junko grabbing her by the metallic collar and pulls her closer switching to her smart persona. "Now now kyoko if you don't behave I kill your friends so be a good girl and stay quiet I'm taking you somewhere else " kyoko obeys in fear of her friends being hurt and Junko leads her into a room.

Kyokos POV:

The room had red walls with hearts on them and a big red bed I'm the middle with a few mirrors near it and a big mirror on the ceiling.

" what is this place- " Junko snapped her fingers and both of our clothes disappeared. I immediately covered my parts " W-What the fuck Enoshima!?" Junko doesn't respond she only giggles and pushes me onto the bed then sits on my lower stomach so I can't get up. She then pins my arms above my head and looks down at me with pure lust in her eyes.

" I release your stupid hope will stop you from being obedient so the only way to make you submit to me is to use force " " w-What do you mean by that " " I'm gonna fuck every single last bit of hope out of you and make you my despair slut~! "

" p-pardon " Junko started laughing.
She then pressed up against me brushing my hair to the side and bites down on my neck.

She bites and sucks around on my neck searching for my sweet spot. I bite my lip as she bit down roughly. "Mh~" Junko smirks while trailing her hands down my body

She gropes my tits and I gasp. " You're a virgin aren't you " I nod " ugh now I have to be fucking gentle lame. Well at least I get to take your virginity "

She sat up and spread my legs. She leaned down and gently licked my pussy. It sent a shiver down my spine and she kept licking.

I let out soft moans and she giggles and stopped. She goes over to under the bed and pulls out a box. She gets a strap out of the box and lathers it in lube.

" well given the fact you're a virgin this is gonna hurt like a bitch at first but it'll feel good soon. I mean I've noticed you're quite the masochist so you'll enjoy it~ now let's make this a hell of a lot more kinky "

She took out some fluffy handcuffs and cuffed my hands together. Junko then spread my legs and put the tip of the strap to my entrance.

She then shoved the entire thing inside of me and I let out a loud pained hiss. Tears formed in my eyes as I gripped the sheets. I feel blood run down my thighs from my loss of virginity " awe look at that " Junko wiped it off the blood and smirked.

She started to slowly thrust in and out of me. It hurt a but at first but it started to feel really good..... Really really good- oh fuck this feels amazing.

I let out loud moans as Junko sped up.  She grabed my hair and tugged on it as she repeatedly smashed her hips onto mine.

I stuff my face into a pillow to muffle my moans which upsets Junko so she slaps my ass as hard as she can "ah~! " I lift my head up " now now Kyoko~ bad kittens get punished~ " She says while pounding me.

Junko grabs my hips and pounds me harder. Without warning I let out a very loud moan and came. She proceeded to slap my ass even harder than the last time. "Bad kitty~ Did you just cum without Mommy's permission~? What a bad girl~ you're gonna have to be punished~"

Without wanting she smashed her hips onto mine and started to pound me as hard as she could.

My back arched as she pounded harder and harder. My tongue hug out of my mouth as my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

I felt her long slippery wet tongue insert itself Inside of my asshole. My moans grow even louder as I get hit by overwhelmingly immense waves of pleasure.

My vision went foggy as I soon became overestimated. I came again but she didn't stop. She kept fucking both my holes and she began spanking me. I was a panting and moaning mess I couldn't think about anything.

"Oh fuck you look so adorable~ I want you to see yourself~ " Junko then set me on her lap with the strap still inside of me. She wrapped her hand around my neck and choked me lightly forcing me to look up at the mirror on the ceiling.

She harshly bit down on my neck and whispered in my ear. " if you look away I'll fuck you brain dead so you better keep watching~"

Junko held onto my hips tightly and started moving my whole body up and down on the strap. I didn't even question how she was so strong I couldn't question it I couldn't do anything.

" oh fuck~!! Fuck yes~!! " I moaned out with drool dripping off my tongue. I was a panting and moaning mess as my tongue hung out of my mouth. Junko lifted me up and dropped me down shoving the whole strap inside of me making me cum once again.

She lifted me up again and placed me down on the bed. " look at you~ you're such a fucking whore~ " Junko took out her phone and took a photo of me. She caressed my cheek and looked into my eyes. " now you've fully succumbed to despair~ you're gonna be mine mine forever and I'm never letting you go we'll spread despair together "

Junko giggled and kissed me softly. " we're gonna cause so much fucking despair together kitty~ "

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