Zombie shichi x reader

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Requested by YoshikingBoi96

"Gah! They're getting in! " "shit! " Shuichi grabs my hand as we run to the top of the building. The zombies were breaking through the door and there was no fending them off. "Shu! We have to jump! " I say as we reach the ledge "it's not that far come on! "

I squeeze his hand. All of the sudden one of the zombies creeps out from behind a obstacle that was on the roof and I didn't notice it until it was too late. I head Shuichi yell. I looked over and saw my boyfriend with tears in his eyes and a chunk taken out of his arm.

Without warning I jumped taking him down with me and once we hit the ground I ran. I didn't look back I didn't plan where I was going I just held his hand tightly and ran as fast as I could.

We finally reached a safe place in an abandoned cabin. I layed down with him on the couch and began crying
"O-omay we just have to cut off your arm it's not too late we can do this " " y/n...." " no shush save your breath I can fix this " " y/n.." " I just need bandages that's all I can sa- " " y/n! "

He cut me off. " Shuichi please I can't let you get infected " " y/n.....I can already feel it taking over me... It's too late you need to get out of here and find safety " He caresses my cheek and wipes away my tears

" shu I can't leave you! " I saw his skin starting to get greyer and his eyes looking lifeless " y/n...." he says with his voice weak " run " he starts changing and I step back. With the last bit of humanity in him he says " I love you " And with that he fully transforms. He walks towards me and starts trying to bite me. I push him off and get a plan.

I get jump over the couch and run up the stairs. He follows behind me but at a slower pace. " shuichi you have to remember me remember us! " he doesn't respond he just keeps approaching me. " Shuichi! "

Nothing was working. He makes it up the stairs and I find myself cornered. He looks hungry as he approaches me. I start sobbing as I exeot my faith I just want to do one more thing before he kills me. I run towards my former boyfriend and hugs him tightly. He seemed shocked by it and as stunned for a moment. I hug him as tight as I can while sobbing. " Shuichi I'm sorry! " I hug him tighter and pet his hair.

I pull away and wait for him to kill me but he doesn't do anything. He seems calm, still a zombie but calm

"Shu..... I'm gonna find a cure for you I promise " I take his hand and we make our way outside walking off into the sunset

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