Mukuro x Sayaka

802 14 5

3rd POV:

Naegi walked over to Sayaka and Mukuros lunch table. " hey guys " " hey Naegi " Sayaka smiles warmly " h-hey " Mukuro said not even bothering to look up at him. Her face was red and she was gripping onto the table tightly.

"Is everything alright Mukuro? " Naegi asked concerned " oh she's fine don't worry she's just feeling a little under the weather isn't that right muku~ " Sayaka looks over to her girlfriend with a smirk. Mukuro nods still looking down at the table.

" alright well I'll see you later" Naegi gets up and runs over to his boyfriend. " awww Mukuro look at how flustered you are~ " Sayaka says as she continues fingering Mukuro under the table.

Mukuro squeezes her thighs together and grips the table harder desperately trying to hold in her moans. "Aww such a cutie~ " Sayaka says as she adds a third finger. Mukuro quickly puts her hands over her mouth as she cums.

Sayaka pulls out her fingers and licks them clean. Mukuro looks away too flustered to even look in the direction of her girlfriend. " heh~ you know I never would have thought the ultimate soldier would be the bottom~ "

" s-shut up " mukuro says covering her flustered face " hey don't be so rude or I'm gonna have to punish you "

"S-sorry" Sayaka smirks " sorry what~? " Mukuro looks down and mumbles " sorry mommy " Sayaka giggles " so cute " sayaka grabs mukuros chin and kisses her. " meet me in my dorm in 10 minutes for round two " Sayaka says before running off. Mukuro nods and hers her sister screaming in the background "GAY"

Mukuro ignores her sister and head back to her dorm. Once she arrives she decided to change into some nice black lingerie her girlfriend bought for her. She then puts her clothes back on over top of it and head over to Sayaka dorm.

Sayakas POV:

I get everything prepared for a night of romance and hear a knock on my door. " who is it " " um m-mukuro " " ah just in time come in love " Mukuro opens the door and walks in "

I go over to her and hug her. "Now before we get started do I have your permission? " She nods " are you sure because if you give me your permission I will do whatever I want to you are you alright with that " " yes " after I get her consent I gently push mukuro onto the bed.

" take off your shirt and skirt " Mukuro does exactly as I say " aww so obedient~ "

I take off my skirt and shirt to reveal my fancy and expensive light blue lingerie. " aww Mukuro you look so adorable now lift up one of your legs "

She obeys and I sit between her legs. I place my pussy onto hers and bite my lip. I begin to grind as I get wetter and wetter. The small cloth that seperates our bare pussy's from connecting gets soaked with both of our wetness

"Mh~ fuck this is gonna feel even better without our panties " I say as I grind harder. Mukuro grips onto the bed sheets as her back starts to arch " you better not cum baby~ no cumming until mommy says so understand " I say as I stop grinding casuing a loud whimper to escape Mukuros lips

" don't worry Muku I'm not done with you yet~ " I say before I slip off mukuro and my panties. I lift one of Mukuros legs in the air and hold onto it as I connect our bare pussy's together and grind.

Mukuro let's out loud moans as I grind hard and rough. " awe baby are you close~? " she nods " don't cum without Mommy's permission, now I'm gonna count down from 20 and then I'll let you cum " She whimpers

" I know baby but you have to learn to be patient it's gonna feel way better if you wait plus I want to see how obedient you are "

I smash my pussy onto hers and grind as fast and rough as I can as I start to count down. " 20~ "

"19 "

"Ah~ 18 "

"17 "


" 15~ ah fuck~ " I moans out as I see mukuros back arch fully

"Fuck I can't last 15 seconds ah~! 10 "



"7 fuck~"

"6 a-ah~ fuck~ "

" 5-5~ "

"4 "

I begin to pant a little " 3 "

" 2-2~ fuck I'm so close "

"1~! "

"Ah~! Now~!! " We both let out loud moans as we cum at the same time. I continue grinding as we both cum to help ride pit the orgasm.

After we bitch finish and pull away and spread the lids of mukuros pussy and circle two fingers around her clit.

"Ah~ s-sayaka " I wrap my hand around Mukuros neck and choke her. She gasps and squirms around looking helpless and pathetic. " what did I tell you to call me darling " " m-mommy " " good girl, it's rude to call your mommy by her first name no matter if were in private or public I never want to her my name come out of your pretty mouth again only mistress or mommy understand? "

I squeeze her neck tighter. Mukuro gasps "Y-yes mommy " " good girl " I pinch her clit and shove two fingers inside of her making her gasp again.

She squirms around and moans as I curl and straighten my fingers inside of her. I feel Mukuros walls tighten around my fingers. " oh baby you're so fucking tight~ are you gonna cum~? " Mukuro nods

" aww look at you squirm you're such a pathetic whore~ now cum like a little good slut " Mukuros back arches as she lets out a very loud moan while cumming.

I remove my fingers and stick them in front of her mouth. " suck " I say as I use my other hand to force open her mouth then shoves my fingers inside her mouth.

She starts sucking on my fingers and I smirk " good girl~ you're so obedient~ I've trained you well~ " I remove my fingers after she sucks them clean.

I lean down and lick the cum off of Mukuros thighs then use my tongue to clean her pussy.

I smirk and kiss her cheek. " now let's get you cleaned up and then we can cuddle, sound fun? " Mukuro nods and I smiles sweetly " I love you mukuro " " I love you too sa- I mean mommy "

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