junko x reader angst

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Non-desapir au

I feel like ruining someone's day so I'm writing some angst


Well it's been a long day but it's all gonna be worth is when I get home to my girlfriend. I was supposed to have a overnight shift but I finished all my work early just so I could see Junko. It's gonna be a nice surprise I bet she's feeling lonely right now I know I sure am.

I arrive at my house and unlock the door. I walk in and head to my room. "Junko! I'm home early" I see my girlfriend sitting on bed with..... Someone else "J-Junko....?" "Y/N I didn't think you would be home so soon..." "Who is that" I point to the person sitting next to Junko. They were both only in their panties.

"If you loved someone else you could have just told me..... It would have hurt a lot less....." "Y/n I swear it's not what it looks like I can expla-" "no...... It's fine......... I'm just gonna go" Before she could say anything else I left

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