Mukuro x reader

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"Please Muku" "darling the training I do is really intense I don't know if you'll be able to handle it" "oh you your calling me weak" "no no no no no I'm just saying- I- alright fine you can train with me just please don't over work yourself" "yay!" Okay I'll go get changed I'll meet you by the track"

Time skip

I sat on a bench waiting for my girlfriend to arrive. "Y/n I'm here" I looked up to see mukuro in very short shorts and a work out shirt that could be mistaken for a bra since it only covered her tits. "M-mukuro why is your outfit so r-revealing" I look away flustered. "Oh sorry if it makes you uncomfortable it just gets really hot while training so this is what I usually wear" "n-no it doesn't make me uncomfortable i-its just your uh your really hot.." I mumble the last part so she can't hear me "pardon" "n-nothing let's just get to training"

We started off by stretching then ran around the track. Mukuros natural pace was really fast and it was hard for me to keep up. Not only that but she was so fucking hot. The way she looks back at me to make sure I'm okay just makes my heart flutter.

I accidentally tripped not realizing I had forgotten to tie my shoe laces and fell to the ground. Mukuro immediately stopped to help me up. "Darling are you alright what happened" she reached out her hand to help my up. I took it and when I looked up my face was met with her stomach. I jumped back blushing. "Are you alright my love?" "Y-yeah i-im okay"

"Your face is really red is the training too much" "n-ni it's not that it's um" I could stop looking at her abs.

The looked down at her stomach realizing I was staring at it. "It my stomach bothering you. I'm sorry for wearing such tight clothing.." "N-no no it's not that it makes me uncomfortable or anything g it's just that your abs are really hot"

"You find my muscles attractive?" I not still flustered. "Well I don't really understand how you can find them attractive but thank you. Now, I think you've done enough training. Why don't you sit in the bench and drink some water. I packed your favourite snacks in my bag and I brought headphones for you so you can listen to music. Of course you can go home if you want to you don't have to stay"

"No I'll stay I want to watch you" Mukuro smiles

I watch and eat snacks as Mukuro continues her work out. Every once and a while she'll look back at me and see how flustered I am and purposely try and seduce me.

Ever since then I've come to train with her. Sometimes I train but most of the time I just watch and she always wears the tightest most revealing clothing just to make me all flustered

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