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I woke up with tears as I opened my eyes because I still remember his voice in my head. I can still hear him shouting my name, and it kept playing and playing... which I hate the most.

Mum gave me a lovely name that someone might use to address me but not to call me whenever he wants to mess with my body.

I fucking hated my life when he showed up. Old guy crap full of nasty stuff within his head... YOU SHOULD SUFFER AND DIE.

I forced myself out of bed and headed directly into my bathroom.

I cleansed my face and gargled some water before spitting it out and stared at the mirror.

"And now I need to wear some hefty make-up... again..." I pulled some concealers from my drawer to cover up the red marks he left where he hit me.

This has been going on for a long time, since my mother passed... I don't have anywhere else to go but here.


I've tried everything, even just killing myself.... But there are always things that make me stop in the middle.

It keeps making me stop, no matter how many times I try.

Where else should I go? I needed to manage and keep my company... this was the only thing that my mother left me before she passed away and made me become the CEO.

Nobody knows what I'm going through in my life right now... They see me as the ideal stepdaughter of this filthy old guy... They have no idea what he is up to behind these walls.

Should I just kill him? I'd rather die inside those cells than stay here, where I already feel dead despite the fact that I'm still moving and breathing the same air as him.

Fucking bastard, you don't deserve any of these victories... Why do those bad guys always win?


I went up to the upper floor of this old man's building, where the meetings were being held.

I wore a decent outfit to prevent those disgusting old man's partners from looking at me with their dirty smiles.

Am I a display here for them to always do that? I deserve some respect!!

I sat in my chair and set my silver tiny bag on the table; I could feel everyone looking at me, but I tried not to be bothered. No matter how many times this happens to me, I'm still not used to it.

I should've been born as a guy... or maybe they all should've never been born so that I could live peacefully as before.

The meeting is finally over after 3 hours of useless talk; the meeting technically only lasted an hour, but they continued talking about nonsense stuff, which gave them the excuse to have longer sessions.

"Thank you so much for being here," I bowed, giving them a fake smile.

"Thank you so much, Miss Kim," a man said as he extended his arms for a handshake, which I promptly accepted.

While the others are making small talk with one another.

I smiled and nodded at him.

"Well, you look pretty decent and young." He said as he let go of my hand.

"And so are you," I said, continuing to smile at him.

He stared at me for like 3 seconds before he looks down, what are you looking at? don't show me your pervert side kiddo.

"Oh, are you hurt?" he said, his gaze drawn to the purple bruise on my palm, which I hurriedly hid behind my back.

"Uh—Uhh... well, it's just..... I got bumped to the table yesterday!" I said, scratching my neck, "Well, nice to meet you..." I replied, swiftly taking my bag and left.

"That was so close..." I said quietly to myself.

"Hey, Ruby Jane, where are you going?" I heard that dirty old man's voice once again.

"I'm going somewhere... I suppose I deserve some coffee after a meeting, right?" I said sarcastically.

"Were you having a coffee date with that guy earlier?" he smiled darkly, as if he was against it.

"Why would I?" I said, "I don't even know him."

"Alright... make sure you don't go home late, you know.... I'm always worried about you," he says with a grin.

Worried my ass.

I simply nodded and left the place without looking at him.

I sighed as I finally reached my car in the parking lot, "When will I ever be able to escape this hell place?" I asked in the air as I opened my car door.

"Is this hell?"

I jumped off from my place after hearing someone talking behind me.

"I—I'm sorry for suddenly showing up... My car was parked alongside yours for an unexpected moment... and I heard you mention hell place, which I guess you're referring to this company..." He remarked as he gazed up at the building before returning his eyes to me.

I gently rubbed my chest, "N—No... I mean, I'm talking about this car... I think I should get a new one. "

"No... stop lying... I can see and hear how terrified you are... and that mark on your hand? It doesn't seem like you got it from bumping into a table, am I right?"

I hardly swallowed as I closed my eyes, "Who are you anyway? Can you just mind your own business?" I rolled my eyes and opened my car door again, but he spoke out again, which made me stop.

"Hey! If you need help, just let me know! I'd be more than willing to help... I know something's bothering you... and I won't simply let it go..."

I groaned, debating if I should accept but my life would be in danger... "Thank you, but I'm okay," I responded without meeting his eyes and I finally entered my car and drove away.

I can still see him standing still outside his car from my side mirror.

"I need help, but I don't know if I can trust you.... seeing and meeting different guys everyday makes me just want to puke and kill them... they are all just the same."

Hired Killer [JENLISA]Where stories live. Discover now