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Now it's time.. I know that this is it....

I drove to where our meeting place is, I don't know know what kind of place it was but my mind is all blank. I just followed the location that was given to me.

Not seeing anything but just tall grasses around a narrowed road.

I stopped my car from the blue circle blinking into my phone screen, I looked up around to see who I talked with, but no one else was around. I even went out the car, not being afraid of what will come out... I just wanna end things without thinking of hurting myself.

I went back to my seat and sighed, "Was this a scam?" I said to myself as I kept staring onto my phone, until someone knocks on my window causing me to flinch, my heart started to race.

I looked at him, he's wearing a full covered helmet. I guess he was riding a bike then quickly realizes was when I looked at the rear mirror and saw a huge bike being parked not too far from my car.

I lowered down the window, "Was it you?" and he nodded.

I opened my car door, and slowly went out. Cannot deny, I'm starting to feel a bit scared, my hands started shaking but I can't back out now. The payment was all ready at the back seat, in a black leathered bag.

I looked at him confidently, staring deeply into his helmet, though I can't see him from it. I smiled, "Thanks for showing up... the payment is ready... all you need to do is uhmm.." I got cut off by my own mind, I was thinking, what kind of weapon is he going to use? What kind of killing method he will do? And how will he dispose me?

I looked at him again, "How are you going to end me?"

He didn't speak up, he was just standing there, like the hell I know what he's thinking but it creeps me out.

I flinched a bit when he started moving his hands, I chuckled after realizing that he was just about to open up his helmet shield, revealing his hazel eyes.

"Are you sure? You wanna end your life now? No offense, but you seems you weren't." He said in a serious tone.

"W-Wait-" I spoke as my eyebrow furrows, "Are you a guy or a-- woman?"

"Does that matter to you? My identity is my privacy- even the smallest detail of me..."

I don't know, but he sounded like a girl to me... "W-Well, I'm never expecting to hire a woman, it mostly a guy."

"That's not important anymore, what's important is your decision..." She said like she's in a rush.

"Money is what important to you, and killing people wasn't that hard for you now... you were just like playing, but you get paid with real money... so why you sounded like my life matters to you?" I said curiously, she's different from the others who would not be interested to know their reasons or even letting them speak first, pulling the trigger to their heads right away then just taking all the money from them then that's it.

Earning money by evil doings.

I can see her eyes squints after hearing what I said, avoiding my eye contact but then glared back at me, "What's your decision!?" she shouted and I flinched, I took a step back, Gosh... why is it now?

I shook my head to clear my mind, "Just kill me right away!!" I shouted as my tear slowly falling down my cheeks.

"J-Just end it! Use whatever you're going to use... use a shotgun to blow my head up! No one can recognize my face if you use it... or just... just... use a hammer, until my face flattens.. bury me somewhere far! -- or whatever! J--Just do it!! I'm tired! No one cares about me now... no more reasons for me to stay in this place... What's the difference of me staying alive in here when I can experience the same of being in hell?" I started sobbing, my heart was aching, I don't know what to say anymore. My knees felt weak, I cried on the road without thinking what I look... I don't even know the person who's in front of me and same goes with her.

Does she even care? Does she even concern me? No. I can say whatever I want.

I continued sobbing without looking at her, seeing some of my tears onto the road. I heard her, pulling something behind her. Same sound what a gun makes, I knew she's ready to pull the trigger.

"C-Can you please press this once you're done? Just press the send once I'm.... dead..." I looked up to her, seeing just a pistol gun from her hand, I handed her my phone and showed the message from my drafts, "Just press it once... then just throw my phone away or, smash it... leave my car alone here and.. dispose me somewhere no one can find my body... I-- I want to make it look like I just disappeared.... and make them all look after me for nothing--"

I closed my eyes, letting the last tear to fall. She took the phone from me then I turned to my back, waiting for her to just pull the trigger, "Hit me right into my head... so I won't feel any pain for that long..." the last thing I said, before I heard her moving her hand right into my head.

Hired Killer [JENLISA]Where stories live. Discover now