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I can hear the sound of her wrist watch as I can feel the tip of the gun behind my head. It was late that I realized that she went closer to me, is she making sure that my head's gonna blew off since she's just using a pistol?

It was really quiet, and it's been about five or more minutes without talking. We were just there standing with the gun in my head, "How long before you gonna have the urge to pull that damn trigger?" I bravely spoke.

"Why don't you just kill yourself then?" She sarcastically said, removing the gun off my head then I quickly turned in my back.

She deeply sighed as she tries to avoid my gaze then looked at me again, "Will you trust me if I say that I'm taking you somewhere?"

My eyebrow furrows, I was confused, did I mistakenly hired someone?

"H-Huh?" I asked in confusion but a few seconds after, she just took my arms, pulling me along with her without saying anything.

"Are you trying to kidnap me!?" I shouted at her as I hardly try to remove her hands off of me but she was holding me too tight, "Oh well, why does it matter to me if you are choosing to just kidnap me when I really want to disappear in the first place." I spoke after I realized and became unbothered as I am being pulled by this so called hired killer.

I was all unenergetic, my whole body felt numb and too lazy to move until she just decided to carry me like a little kid to let me sit on her big bike. It was my first time riding in such a bike, my fear suddenly went gone. I was ready to die, she doesn't even have an extra helmet. Is this what she's choosing now of how she's gonna get me killed?

I sighed, I even feel too lazy to blink my eyes.

"Hold on me tight, let's just come back here for your car if you still want it." She spoke then started driving off the place as fast as she could.

I can feel the breeze slamming onto my skin, making me feel deaf as the air keep blowing into my head. It was already sunset as the sun dipped below the horizon. A nice calming view to spot, did I just missed getting dead?

I closes my eyes. It feels like it was another life for me to feel, it was like the road was the road for another dimension, another version of me in a peaceful place that I never experience the way I am experiencing.

And when I opened my eyes again, I saw a rainbow slowly being graffitied upon the evening sky,  Did I just witness how a rainbow being created?

This felt surreal.

I'm not sure where she's taking me now after finally getting out of that narrowed road since it's already dark.

I was unbothered the whole time, didn't even care where she goes, or where she's leading me into. My mind was all blank, until she stopped.

Then there was just the time that I came back in all my senses, we are on the edge of a mountain with a city lights view and it is already dark. I looked at the time on my wrist, it's already eight in the evening. I don't even feel hungry at all, "Why are we here?" I asked as I look up to watch the view, she was standing next to me with her helmet on, of course.

"I wanted to give you a second chance..." she spoke seriously as she watch the view.

I looked up to her, "A second chance? What is this? A complicated relationship?" I jokingly said as I laugh, "I hired you to kill me, not to act like someone I know.." then I huff.

"No... I'm giving you a second chance because I know... I know this is not what you wanted... eyes never lie." then she turned her gaze on me. I can feel that she's staring deeply on me behind that tinted helmet shield.

"That's weird... everything is weird." I said, "I don't understand why you are doing this... I think I need to hire someone again, we are just both wasting our time." I added as I crossed my arms and turned my gaze back into the city lights but I can still see her still staring at me.

"The way you speak, the way you stutter, the way you look at me, the way you held tight on me when we were riding, the way you smiled watching the sunset, and the way your eyes glow when you saw the city lights... I knew you weren't ready to die." She said seriously, like someone who would really care.

I tear suddenly fell off my cheek, just hearing those words from a stranger was very calming to my ears.

"I was observing you... I know what you were saying about us being a killer... being got used to killing people like we were just playing... pulling the trigger into them wasn't that hard anymore just because we doesn't feel any conscience, plus we are getting paid..." She said then turned her gaze away at me, "You weren't wrong about that... but.."

"But why did you do that?" I cut her off, then I looked at her along with my body, "I mean this? Why didn't you kill me right away? Why do you have to observe me? Didn't you want the money anymore?"

"Why? Did I mistakenly understood your reactions?"

I squinted my eyes, trying to reflect what she just observed... What was it really?? I don't even understand myself, Was it because I just got really hurt? Am I ready to see Jisoo living alone and let that old dirty man take advantage of her when I'm gone?

"Don't you have families?" She suddenly asked after being quiet.

"I have my sister, and... I mean, just her." I was about to tell her about that old man, but she's asking about families, why would I include him?
"My mum's in heaven now and we have no idea where on earth our dad is."

She nodded, "You're lucky, you still have someone.. you should never think about ending your life when you know there's someone who's gonna take all the blame why they did nothing when you were still alive... All you are feeling right now will make them start to feel the same when you leave them behind... would you like her feel that way?"

Hearing what she said made me realize things, she just made me unlocked another fear. I didn't think that Jisoo would feel that if she really end up pulling that trigger. I know Jisoo is just mad right now and she's still my sister.

I stayed quiet until she just spoke again.

"Do you want to go back now?" She asked in a calmer voice and I just nodded at her.

The whole drive was peaceful, she drove smoothly unlike earlier. Now I understand that she just drove fast in purpose just to see if I will ever get scared.

"Thank you..." I said hesitantly as I went down her bike.

"Thank yourself... for surviving another day... It was tough after all." She speaks still on her bike.

I slightly smiled at her, "Is it okay to know your name?"

She didn't respond right away, I think she's doubting to let me know.

"Just call me L."

"L?" I asked then she nods.

"Will I ever meet you again just to thank you formally?" I asked her before she finally leaves but she just opens her helmet shield. I can't see her lips, but I know she's smiling because of her eyes.

Hazel eyes...


Hired Killer [JENLISA]Where stories live. Discover now