Chapter Thirteen| Disguise

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In matter of two days I would be flying to Los Angeles with Kayden. And it's eating me alive!

Right now I'm packing my suitcase with the help of my girls & Chel. Well... technically I'm not packing just sitting on my puffy bed & drinking iced tea & letting them do the packing. It's not my fault that they pushed me away just because I'm not not choosing perfect clothes. It's so infuriating . But I let them do.

I even went to the mall to buy his friend a gift. I spent like an hour deciding what to get her. Like I know nothing about her, neck not even her name. Kayden never told me his friends name. So googled to know his friends circle. And it turns out that they are a few women he is friends with, but I don't know who's birthday bash I'm going so I bought an earring from Swarovski.

After another hour they are finally done. They seriously took two hours just to pack clothes for a week, luckily looking at the suitcase no one can say that I'm carrying clothes for one month. And honestly, I don't know whether I'm gonna carry clothes for one month as took so much time.

They all collapse on bed & huff, "girl, you've so many good ones, it was so very difficult to choose." Astri says whereas I blow a raspberry at her.


Today is the day I finally fly to Los Angeles. I start getting ready, first putting on my face cream then fake eyelashes, winged eyeliner & chapstick. Then change my outfit & walk downstairs with my suitcase, have breakfast, this heavy one because I need to remain energetic throughout the journey.

After breakfast the bell rings reviling Kayden, "good morning!" He wishes us & we of course like a good family wish him back, "so all set?" I nod, "Ok then I will get the suitcase in the car," he says & disappears outside with my suitcase.

"Ok final check. Phone & charger?" My mom asks.

"Check." I say looking into my messenger bag, "Wallet, credit card, dollars?"

"Check, Check & check."

"Emergency makeup kit?"


"Ok so done. Take care Sky, and I love you." Mom says kissing my cheek while hugging me tight.

Dad pats my back, "take care. Remember we are just a call away." I smile at him & pick up Chel in my arms.

"I am gonna miss you." I say in a baby voice, she giggle & kisses my cheek, "me too."

After bidding final goodbyes I sit in the backseat of their Volvo which Kayden had held the door for me. He bids my family goodbye & jogs around the other other. After getting comfortable he tells his driver to start, "I am so excited!" He chirps, I give him a smile & he informs me how our schedule would be in Los Angeles. and that we would return exactly after a week from this day.

When are about to reach the Airport he hands a black mask & cap, "sorry but you need to wear this throughout the journey only remove it if security asks." I nod & put on the mask & cap & adjust my blonde hair. He flows my suite & we step out. We both grab our respective suitcase & go inside, the security stops us for checking our passport but didn't tell us to lower our mask. His eyes widened when he saw Kayden's passport but didn't say anything. After checking in our suitcase & grabbing our boarding pass we proceeded for the security check.

Ever formality went smoothly & not once once I had to remove my mask, which is honestly weird but safe from paparazzi threat. Then we purchased ourselves some drinks & sat by the window listening to songs with earbuds. When Kayden's upside down started playing I hummed along with him happily. As it's my favourite from all his songs.

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