Chapter Sixteen| Meeting An Ex

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"Let's go!" Ashley shouted as I sat in the backseat of her Mercedes GLA while Madge sat on the passenger seat & Ashley driving.

Through the drive we jammed to songs & cracked jokes. "So tell me Sky how is your life like back at your place."

"Hm, can say that's it's definitely different from here."

"You mean more specifically different from ours."


"You don't have a boyfriend? I mean since you came here with a Kayden. I'm sure that if you do he would tag along."

I laugh at Ashley's comment & reply, "I do not. Boys back at my school want to date me because I'm popular & looks. So not interested yet."

"Oh girl we totally know how it feels. See we both are single for the same reason." Ashley comments.

"Kayden is different from those guys though." Thats the first line coming from Madge since we've started this conversation.

"I guess. I Don't know him for long, you know."

"Yeah. He is a really sweet guy. It was a shame how Ava cheated on him & told media that he cheated."

"Oh?" But hadn't Kayden told me that his ex broke up because he was inadequate...

"I guess haven't read the news about that. It was Kayden's first ever scandal."

"He was so whipped that he didn't try to clear the scandal & just gave up. But then we all pressured him to move on & get a break from his career. That's why he shifted with his parents." Madge says sighing, "When they broke up Ava used an excuse of him being inadequate in, you know, intimate stuff. He thought of it as true & started blaming himself."


They are explaining in circling but since I know a part it is easy to understand. "I didn't like her since beginning but for Kayden I tolerated her. But when she was out if his, I was the happiest person." Ashley beams making me laugh. "Anyways let focus on shopping!"

We put on caps & exit the car. Both the girls warm their arms around mine while we make our way towards Forever 21. Throughout we kept our heads low hopping no one would recognise us, yes me too. I bought atleast 3 bags of clothes & footwear.

Then we walked towards the next shop when I bumped into someone's shoulder, "oh I'm so sorry, are you okay?" I ask, I look up to take in her appearance, she has platinum blonde hair & green captivating eyes with tons of makeup.

"fuck, can't you see where you are goin' lady!?" I get startled at her outburst.

I cross my arms over my chest & retort, "I could say the same to you woman."

She glares at me when Ashley pops beside me & says, "It's such a pleasure to see you again Ava."


Both the girls stand beside me on either side & flash fake smiles. Ava's jaw tightens then some girl who was standing behind her whispered something into her ear while Ava smirked & stared at me from head to toe, "so you are Kayden's so called friend."

"Atleast I'm so called. You are not even that."

She flares her nose & storms towards me only to stopped by her lackey, "paparazzi." She said making Ava flash a fake sweet smile at me. Ashley chuckles & mumbles, "such a bitch." Only for me & Madge to hear.

Ava leans towards me & whispers, "listen here you bitch. Kayden is mine & always be. No one can take him away from me. You are just a moron to make me jealous, so careful honey, he will never be yours."

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