Chapter Nineteen| Back home

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"Hi Kays! It's so good to see you all after so long!" Kayden exclaims with a big smile on his face, "so this is how it's gonna work, all of you have to stand in line without pushing or pulling & I would sign my latest single, Upside down for each one of you. After that I would be singing the most requested song by you all with my friend Skylar."


When was this decided?! I'm sure that my jaw has dropped onto the floor with shock. I wasn't informed or asked to sing with him. Heck! I don't even remember the lyrics of all the songs released by him. I turned towards Hendrix, who is smiling sheepishly at me. I glare at him, "why wasn't I asked or informed about this?"

"Kayden knew you would deny that's why he directly told the audience so that you wouldn't be able to back off. And I must say would you would be perfect upon the stage."

"How do you know that? I haven't sang in front of you."

"Yeah, but Kayden told me that you voice is melodious." I stomp my feet at comment, "don't worry, according to my studies the audience will most probably choice his top two famous songs, Upside down and forever. So here," he hands me a stack of papers, "these contain the lyrics so you can practice till the signing comes to an end. Plus you would be given microphone through which the song will be played, so would be able to go through this easily."

I sigh & accepted the papers then sit on a chair, put on AirPods & play the two songs while learning the lyrics. After an hour or so Kayden comes jogging into the backstage first talking with Hendrix then turns towards me, "hi."

"Hi." I say harshly, "I can't believe you did that."

"Sorry, I knew you would deny that's why I directly declared."

"But what if they don't like my voice? And I've never sang in front of public. Plus I'm not sure my voice is good enough to sing." Kayden grabs my shoulders & stares right into my eyes. And in no time I'm lost in his electric blue eyes.

"Skylar?" He shakes my shoulders bringing me back from my daze. "What are you thinking?"

"Oh nothing, are ready to go?" I ask looking past him towards the crew who is waiting for us. He nodded then the crew gave me particular instructions & gave the AirPod like headphones with mic attached to it, just a few centimetres away from my lips.

I thank them & stand beside Kayden, then someone who was talking on walkie talkie told us, "you guys are up in- 3, 2, 1. Go!" We immediately walked up the staged side by side with a smile plastered on our faces.

"I'm back, but not alone. So may I introduce my friend Skylar Scott!" He introduces me while I smile & wave at the audience. My eyes scan over the crowd trying to find some threat or suspicious activity. Since that dream I'm more alert about my surroundings. I notice dreamy, jealous, genuine smiles towards me, I brush off the jealous ones & continue smiling.

"You're so beautiful!" Someone exclaims from the crowd, I immediately start blushing & try searching for the face who said but failed, she seemed to have blend into the audience.

"Thank you so much." I say softly.

"Let's get with this shall we?!" He says excitedly, "so the first song we're gonna sing is forever." Hendrix was absolutely right, his fans did choose Upside down & Forever.

And thank the lords, that I took his advice seriously & practiced the songs, now I was confident that I wouldn't make a fool of myself. I turn towards while he looks over at me, we both nod & start singing. Throughout the song I kept smiling & moving across the stage, sometimes even dancing with him.

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