Chapter Twenty One| Guard Down

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I stare at myself, satisfied with how I look. My halloween costume was not revealing, which made me happy. I'm not a person who is happy in wearing revealing clothes.

it's almost been one month since kayden & i started dating & till now the things have be amazing. the first few days were weird, i didn't knew how to behave around him especially in school since we don't want media to know about us. but whenever a girl started flirting him, especially in front of me, my blood boiled & then i just wanted to scream to the world that he is mine. patience, i haven't done anything like that, yet. someone or the other held me down.

Even kayden behaved the same when boys approached me, but they never tried to ask me out since they know me. But kayden being kayden kept getting jealous. ever time it happened i was the upper hand in our relationship instead of kayden. i felt proud of myself.

I went to multiple dates with him, disguised. It was always fun, when we used return back, we either spent half an hour at his bedroom or my room, cuddling. It was super cute moments. And in few days we are gonna complete one month, I asked what special what we are going to do but he just smirked & told me wait and watch, pfft.

We both still posted photos on Instagram but as friends. His fans had calmed down since we both sang together during his signing event, they've started liking me but I was still scared. I know how to protect myself but I can't be protected always, some or other time I would be vulnerable. I even received calls from companies whether I would be interested to sign them but I denied, Kayden wasn't wrong when he started companies would call me.

I head turned towards the bedroom door as I heard the bell ring, after a second, "Sky! Kayden is here!"

I descend the stairs to find Chel trying to control her laughter, I frown, what is making her laugh?

Chel & declan are gonna do 'trick or tack' in the neighbourhood with their friends whereas me & Kayden are going to Halloween party conducted by our school. The school received so much funds this year that they can do Halloween party and prom, isn't that cool?

Well it's a freakin private school with Rick kids...

When I turn to see what chel is trying to hide from laughter, I come to face to face with Kayden. I press my lips tightly to contain my laughter, he notices our sisters' face & frowns making both us burst into laughter. I don't know what Kayden has dressed into but he looks very funny & Surprisingly hot.

"What? why are you guys laughing?" He complained as Declan popped behind him & walked towards Chel

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"What? why are you guys laughing?" He complained as Declan popped behind him & walked towards Chel. Everything between them was sorted but they remained friends. My sister is too young to date. Plus dad & I've decided that she could starting dating after she is 25.

"What have you dressed as?" I asked trying to control my laughter as he strides towards me. "Where did you get this outfit?"

"I don't know what I'm dressed as. Rix sent it & I liked it so I wore it." He said, shrugging, "every year Rix is the one who decides my Halloween costume so he sent it through courier this year."

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