Chapter Thirty One| Busted

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After a minute or so I hear his footsteps but choose to ignore it. I hear him stop then I look up at him with a smirk, "busted, aren't ya?"

His eyes widened as he stared at me. I got up throwing the fog spray behind me, I heard it fall with a thud as I picked up the knife keeping the eye contact with him. I take predator steps toward him, "what did you think? That I won't find out about you scheme?"

I circled him while pretending to analyse the knife, "you really thought you could kidnap me from my own house?" I walked towards him & kept my lips near his ear, "tell me Noah." I heard him gulp as I backed up a few steps from him making sure not to make any noise.

I see him move so I take three steps forward & kept the knife at his neck while wrapping my left arm around his shoulder, "Now you are gonna do as I say or one call and your little sister's life would be in danger." I lie to make sure he doesn't try to do anything.

I wouldn't dare to harm that little girl.

My housekeeping staff walks cautiously towards me with ropes, "I need a chair too." I carefully remove the knife then tie his hands behind his back. When they bring two chairs, they make him sit on one then tie him with the chair with one more rope without me telling them, I smirk.

I keep my foot on the chair looking at the knife once again, "now, who do you work for? Or shall I say your parents work for?" He remains quite making me walk towards him & keep my hand on the back rest of the chair leaning towards his face. I keep the tip of the knife on his Adam's apple making sure I don't hurt him.

"Answer me Seavey or this knife will pierce-"

"Xyion McAdams!" He exclaims.

I bloody knew it! "How do you know him?"

"My-my parents don't have a stable job so they started working under him for his illegal business." He says sadly, "Xyion got to know about know about our friendship through his men. And those men where the ones who you had a fight with at Risso's."

"But they are Axel's boys."

"Axel works under Xyion & he looks after the deals over here. So my parents work under Axel but the main boss is Xyion." It all makes sense now, now that I look back I understand why he looked so scared that day. It's because he was scared that they would recognise him.

"How did you get involved in this mess?"

He sighed, "we were blackmailed. My parents made sure I never got involved in this. But then they threatened saying they would harm Margot." He sniffed, I was melting inside but I kept my composure.

"What was your plan?"

"First one was Inviting you over my place, drugging you then handing you over to Xyion's men. But since you denied coming over. Xyion formulated a new plan forcing me to fog your house then getting you unconscious by hitting the side of your neck. After that we would be fled from here."

"I don't know if you realise but there are many flaws in the plan."

"But worth a try." He shrugs, I narrow my eyes at him & place the knife at his neck once again. Then door burst opens as panicked voices of my parents fill the door. They turn towards me & gasp at the scene. I eyes move behind them as I see the hired guns bringing in a tall woman with brunette hair like Noah's along with a man who is taller than the woman with blonde hair like Margot. His parents.

I totally forgot that they were still outside.

I retrieve my knife as they tie them too while mom rushes upstairs to check upon the girls. I tell dad everything Noah told Then My dad pats my shoulder, "good job sweetheart." I grin. He cracks his knuckles as turns towards them, "now let's upon the business now shall we?"

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