Chapter Eighteen| Divergent

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"Skylar! Wake up!"

I feel someone shouting in my ear & shaking my shoulders vigorously, I groan & slowly open my eyes. The first coming into my view was Kayden from which I remembered my horrible dream, I screamed like a maniac & got off the bed. I know he will kill now just like he did in the dream.

I rush outside the room into the kitchen & grab a long knife. I hear hurried footsteps & Kayden calling my name. But I take shallow breaths & put my shaking hand with the knife forward so that he doesn't come close. I could feel my heartbeat till my toes. I can do this. I can protect myself.

"Skylar? Whoa!" He steps into the kitchen immediately noticing the knife & takes a step behind, raising his hands in surrender. I know how to protect myself, I've learnt self defence after all. But I don't know why I picked a knife instead of running out of the condo. It seems like I'm not in my senses, I need to be strong & protect myself.

"Skylar What is this? Put the knife down." He said, "I'm Kayden & I won't harm you. Believe me baby." He takes a step for it I flick my wrist a bit, warning him not to take a step forward.

"No I don't believe you." I said, "You will kill me just like you did in the dream." Automatically my free hand comes around my neck, my fingers brushing my neck softly. It still feels like the dream was true & his fingers are still wrapped around my neck.

"Kill you? Dream?" His eyebrows farrowed then his eyes widened as if realisation hit him, "oh no no no. It was a just a nightmare. Only a nightmare, hear me? Nightmare. It would never come true & I won't kill you." For a second I relaxed by his words but then my look-alike's bleeding face came into my mind. Kayden took a step towards me but I noticed in time & glared at him, "you might won't. But your fans will!" I say harshly.

Kayden frowns, "Why? They don't have a reason too. It doesn't work like that Sky." I again relax under his words & this time I was late to realise. He immediately step forward & grabbed the knife from me. He grabbed my wrists & slammed my body against his, my back hitting his hard chest. I trash against him trying to free myself. He will stab me any minute now.

"Skylar, relax for god's sake! I won't hurt you! Stop moving!" He screams behind me & tightens his grip on me but I keep trashing instead of jabbing his stomach & run. I'm truly not in my senses. "Skylar please. See I'm keeping the knife here" he keeps the knife near the sink, "right here,"

"Now I don't have anything to harm you. So relax?" He tries to reason with me, "please?" I take in deep breaths & stop trashing. He slowly lets go of me & asks, "Ok good. Now would like some water?" I nod slowly & open my eyes. He moves around the kitchen & my eyes follow him everywhere, inspecting him & ready to defend if he attacks suddenly.

He keeps the water on the slab next to me & moves away putting distance between us, for which I'm grateful. I gulp down the water in one go & sigh, coming back into my senses. "I'm sorry." I mumble, not sure if he heard me but he did.

"it's ok. You can tell me what the nightmare was about, when you feel like..." he trails & exits the kitchen.

After a second & I follow him to find him standing by the window, staring the city down. I stand beside him & keep my head on his shoulder, I sense him stiffen but after a second he realises. We both stare the busy city in comfortable silence, "I- I dreamed that your fans were chasing my look-alike." I feel his gaze at me but I continue looking outside & resume, telling him the whole dream.

When I finished narrating he took my face in his hands making me look directly at his blue eyes. His eyes were glowing from the city light & it looked amazing, I could drown into his eyes. "I would never do that & I won't let anyone else to do too. I will protect you with all my heart, believe me baby."

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