Chapter - 4

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Camila P.O.V:

Lauren's feeling dizzy. And I heard a low rumble. So, that only means one thing....

"Get up slowly, Jauregui" I whisper to her.

"I can't" she says, "My head's still spinning!"

I hear that rumble again. I look around my room.

Oh dear! This is not good. This is not good at all.

"But you have to" I say a little louder now because I know what that rumble means.

She stays silent. I look over at her and she has both her hands clasped tightly around her head. I shake my head and scan my room again. There has to be something sturdy, something strong, and something to cover both of us......AHA!!!

The desk.

There is enough space under it. Cool!

The rumble gets louder again and snowflake freezes for a second. "What the hell was that?!" she panics. Ah! Finally that deaf-head heard it! Thank god!

"You need to get up slowly, Lauren" I say.

She blinks and shakes her head slightly. "I'll fall down if I do. My head is spinning like crazy!" I eye her for a moment. We need to get under the desk ASAP! Too bad her head is spinning.

I sigh. There is only one way....

I snake my arms around her, hug her to me and slowly help her stand up. For a second, I thought she will protest because I'm in her personal space, but the only reaction from her was a sharp intake of breath.

I hesitated a little. I'm really gonna get in trouble with her after all of this is over, aren't I?

It isn't like I don't wanna do it or something like that, but holding Lauren like this is making my senses go a bit overboard. And she had clearly mentioned like a dozen million times that she doesn't like me. And yet, here she is, letting me hold her up, despite the growing hatred towards me that I should say, caused by me? Yup. All that hatred was and is because of me.

I look uncertainly at her. She still had her hands holding her head tightly. So, I adjust my hold on her waist and make her rest all her weight on me. She stumbles a little but stands up anyways. Then she releases one hand from her head and rests it on my shoulder. I help her get steady. It's a lot easier, as I'm a little shorter than her and she's using me as a perfect anchorage.

Then she opens her eyes and looks at me. "Why is my head spinning?" she asks softly.

I blink at the soft voice she let out. Wow. Lauren Jauregui's voice, when soft, is hella raspy and quite sensual. My brain goes bananas. I didn't expect her to be this soft while asking something. Heck, she hasn't even asked me anything before. And I've always imagined Lauren Jauregui asking something, to be in her harsh and commanding tone. Not a soft, barely above a whisper tone, making my head go spinning.

I shake my head slightly remembering that she asked me a question. "At normal circumstances, I'll answer that question immediately. But now, we don't have much time" I say, still holding her. "We need to get under my desk, right now" I begin to pull her towards my desk with me. But she stops my ministrations.

"Huh?" she looks at me with confused green-eyes. "But why?!"

I open my mouth to answer her question again but, suddenly, the whole room shakes violently and we both lose our balance.

I yelp and fall on the bed.

And as I'm holding Lauren, she falls with me too, landing on top of me, making me groan in pain.

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