Chapter 1

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Lauren's P.O.V

"Excuse me!" I hear a voice behind me "Excuse me!"

I groan, roll my eyes and stop on my tracks. Why can't people just leave me alone while I'm walking to the only class I'm somewhat looking forward to?! 

I turn around to look at the person calling for me. By this time the hallway is almost empty, as everyone makes their way to their classes. 

I make out a lean figure pushing it's way towards me. 

Camila Cabello.

I huff and squint my eyes at her. I know this girl. Everyone knows this girl. She is that type of kid whom the teachers won't shut up about. 

She finally halts before me, panting. 

"You put this out in the hallway" she says holding out a crumpled piece of paper that I had previously discarded, which contained my spoiled English essay.

"So?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest. 

"I'm gonna request you to kindly put it in the trash can over there, Jauregui"  she says nodding towards an abandoned can in a corner. 

What the fuck?! Why does she even care? 

Then I notice her badge 'CLEANLINESS VOLUNTEER'

A smirk grazes my face, "And why would I do that?" I ask.

"School hygiene and.......basic common sense" she says once again trying to hand me the crumpled paper.

My smirk vanishes. That triggered me. Is she implying that I, Lauren Jauregui, don't have common sense?!

"Well, as you have picked it up, why don't you do it yourself? I bet you have more common sense that I do" I say giving her a glare. 

"But you are the one who littered the hallway. So, it should be you who is cleaning it too"

The second bell rings loudly. That means, if I'm not inside my class in the next 5 minutes, then I have a free one way ticket to hell.

"Look, I don't have time for this shit, Cabello"

"I don't have time either" she says sternly "So you better do it quick"

God, this girl is getting on my nerves! She is stubborn as a horse. 

But I have a Law class that I need to attend at the moment. I can't deal with this shit now. So I turn around and start to walk away.

"Wait!" she says and grabs my wrist.

Instantly I pull, no, rather snatch my hand away from her, "Don't you dare touch me" I hiss. 

"Then put your freaking litter in the freaking trash can!" she exclaims.

"Or what?" I shout.

"Or this" she says and grabs my hand again. 

God, I hate this girl!


"Only if you put it in the trash can" she says tightening her grip on my hand. 

I take a look at her. Brunette hair, brown eyes, chiseled jaw, spongy butt etc., etc., but she is lanky, thin and weak! How the hell is she gripping onto my hand that hard?!

"What are you looking at, Jauregui?" she says, clearly pissed off. 

"Your face, Cabello" I say gritting my teeth, "One last time, before it gets crushed by my knuckles" 

Her grip on my hand tightens, "Oh, what a coincidence! I was thinking of the same thing too" she says smugly.

Seriously?! Does she really think that she can take me on a fight? I'm an inch taller and a little muscular than her, and she looks like she is the next victim to tuberculosis.

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