Chapter - 16

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(A/N: Remember this outfit on Lauren for the end of the chapter! 

PS: The Italic sentences when Camren are practicing for the play are dialogues from the play! Make sure you don't get them confused with their normal conversation XO)

Camila P.O.V:

"Mila!! MILA!! WAIT!!!!"

Lauren and I both halt on our tracks and turn around in the parking lot. A panting Dinah Jane skids to a stop in front of us, nearly colliding with an annoyed Lauren.

"China!!!!!!" I squeal and move to give her a hug.

"Don't you DARE touch me, woman." She warns, taking a step back. "I'm extremely mad at you!"

I pause. "And you ran all the way across the parking lot to tell me that . . . ?"

Lauren rolls her eyes and checks her nails, bored already.

"You deserve to know that I'm about to give you a poly-beat-down, chica!!!" Dinah says in a matter-of-fact voice before launching herself at me.

She jumps on me, making me stumble towards Lauren, who simply just moves out of the way, enabling me and Dinah to fall on our butts to the ground.

"OW! My BOOB!!" Dinah shouts out. "My BUTT!!!!"

"Ow!!!!!!!" I groan.

"I think I pulled a muscle!!" Dinah grunts.

"You can't pull what you don't have." Lauren delivers in a dead-pan tone.

"YOU shut up, woman!!!" Dinah yells.

Lauren sighs and pulls out her phone, her demeanour completely nonchalant, paying zero attention to our calls for help.

I wiggle my whole body to get out of the tangle of mess our limbs made. "Dinah! Get off!! Why'd you do that?!"

"Cuz you forgot about my existence, hoe!"

"Language, Dinah!!"

"You know, you say a total of 200 words the whole day and half of them is just 'Language!'" Dinah mocks with attitude as she struggles to get up.

I spring up first. "You see a total of 50 people a day and half of them is just you in a mirror!" I yell back at her still flat form on the ground.

"This just became scalding hot tea." Lauren says and puts her phone away, her eyes shining.

Dinah gasps, offended. "You take that back!!"

"You take what you said back!!" I yell.

"Aaaand ish got boring again . . ." Lauren reverts back to her phone.

I scowl at Lauren before turning to Dinah. "What's your problem?"

Dinah picks her butt and stands up. She pulls out her phone, scrolls through it a little bit before shoving it right in front of my face. "Look! When was the last time you texted?!"

"Whoa!" I say, backing up a little from Dinah's phone. I go cross-eyed for a second before refocussing.

The text reads –

Walz: the audacity she has

Walz: im so mad at her

Monday, 4:59pm.

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