Chapter - 2

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Camila's P.O.V

Why is she looking at me, huh?! 

Why the hell does she always keep looking at me? I really don't know how to decode what she's thinking about, when she is giving me 'the look'. Even in this crowded cafeteria hall, her look is just so intense and intimidating that......It's kinda scary. 

Well, I guess intimidation is just Lauren Jauregui's go-to pass time.

She sends me a glare from two tables in front of me and I send one right back. Well, whatever she is trying to imply with giving me 'the look', I'm not ready to back down in just yet. 

Just when I thought that she is backing off from my glare, a jock of a guy with two boys bee-lining him, makes his way behind her.

She frowns and follows my vision to look behind her. 

"Well well well, will you look who it is?" the jock says for the whole cafeteria to hear. I flinch. Not because of his voice, but because of the tone. Nasty.

"Who is he?" I ask Dinah in a slow whisper. The whole cafeteria had gone silent.

"Lauren's ex" Dinah replies in the same hushed tone.

My jaw clenched immediately. The fact that Lauren, The badass Lauren freaking Jauregui, would date such a douche bag, is getting on my nerves. It's a good thing she isn't dating him anymore.

"What do you want, Oliver?" Lauren says, clearly annoyed.

"What do I want?! Well..." the jock boy says smirking. "My answer is the same every time you ask me this, baby. You"

Lauren instantly stands up. "Don't you have any shame?" she askes through gritted teeth.

The whole cafeteria watches on, as the free reality show unfolds in front of them. 

"Shame?" he smirks. "Why would I have shame, when it's you who ditched me for this spineless wimp?" he says pointing towards who I guess is George, Lauren's current boyfriend.

"You're talking too much, Oliver" Lauren says balling her fists, "You better watch your tongue, before I rip it out of your throat!!"

"Whoa whoa, feisty-pants" Oliver says taking two steps back. Well, maybe he's not that much of a jerk after all. "At least hold on to it until we" he moves closer, "make it to my bed" he winks.

Oh no. He did not just say that to Lauren Jauregui. I gain second hand panic.

He's doomed.

A loud noise reverberates throughout the cafeteria. Everyone holds their breath.

Lauren just slapped Oliver right across his face. 

He holds on to his flaming left cheek, the smug look on his face replaced by a look of utter shock. "You bitch!" he says and charges towards Lauren.

George stands in between them immediately. "Not so fast, bunny-boy" 

Well, the thing is, George is as weak as a bambi. So, he's is just shoved aside by a raging Oliver. But just as Oliver makes his way towards Lauren, she punches him. Right in the nose. Yeah, Lauren isn't a coward. She has a reputation, you know?

An unmistakable crack breaks out. Now, the whole cafeteria knows that Oliver's nose is broken. Everybody goes 'oooh' at the punch. Lauren catches hold of Oliver's jacket collar and pushes him down to the ground. Normani tries to hold her back, but of no use. 

The two boys who were with Oliver before, are nowhere to be seen now. Lauren bends down and punches him again. But this time both Oliver and Lauren cry out in pain. 

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