Chapter - 9

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Just a photo to remind y'all how much of a daddy material Camila actually is-

(A/N: If I ever be this inactive here on wattpad again, I give y'all permission to punch me right on my freaking face.

Oh also, the italics as full sentences are Lauren's conscience that's like talking to her and we're calling it 'Lauren' in italics so that it'll clear up any confusions for you.

I really hope y'all enjoy this chapter cuz I know I did while writing it.

If you see any typos or grammatical erorrs, no you didn't. 😊

Comments and votes are deeply appreciated.

Tumblr username: ragzonacamrencruise

- Ragz)

Lauren P.O.V:

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK-

She knows now.

She fucking knows now.

Standing two feet apart, I can still feel the effect she's left on me. I can still see the panic in her eyes, see the way her hands fidget continuously, see the top of her shirt collar move up and down from breathing too hard, and see the conflict going on in her brain.

Nonchalance is supposed to be my strong suit, but I can see it getting weaker and weaker every time she's around me.

"You okay?" spills outta my mouth before I can even comprehend my thoughts.

"Are you?" her eyes are uncertain, full of remorse and something else that I cannot entirely comprehend.

I never stutter. "Y- Yeah . . ." But today hasn't been that much of a typical Lauren day, now has it??

It must be the lack of sleep, I guess.

"Are you sure?"

What is it with her and her concern for me, huh?!

My stomach flips.

Yeah, definitely the lack of sleep.

I rub my hand at the sides of my thighs, trying and failing to get rid of the feel of her shirt under my palm. "Yes" I croak out, meeting her eyes just for a second.

Her eyes avert immediately, searching all across the room, trying to find something interesting to look at. I mean, it's her room and she's supposed to know what's interesting about it.

"I- I'm sorry . . ." I watch her lips tremble while she says that, eyes still unfocussed.

I frown. She didn't do anything wrong, right? Except for lacking a mind-to-mouth filter, of course, but other than that, I can think of nothing.

"F- For touching you"

I notice her eyes tracing a path to my hips, fixating itself there securely. I look down and find my hoodie still in a disarray.



I told her not to touch me, didn't I??

I sigh. So, that's what she's so dang nervous about.

She thinks I'll jump her bones again from anger. Rattle her so hard by her shirt that her bones fall out. Drain her brain through her nose from pure rage-


I'm not mad?

Why am I not mad?!?!

My frown grows. Shouldn't I be feeling all those stuff right now?? Shouldn't I be flying at her right now hitting her again?? I shouldn't be standing here contemplating what she's feeling when I should be banging her head against the wall.

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