Chapter - 15

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Lauren's P.O.V:

I rush into my room, slam the door shut and throw myself face-down onto the bed. I know, it's pathetic for me to do so. But, honestly? Who even cares now? I let my mouth escape soft sobs. Wretched in every way possible. It doesn't even strike my head that crying is not really my piece of cake. It just leaks naturally out of my eyes.


Hearing THE Camila Cabello curse, Hearing that word leave her mouth along with all those other stupid shit that she said, shocked me. I mean, really shocked me. I've never, ever, ever, seen or heard her curse.


That's exactly why it shocked me that much. That's exactly why I stood like a dumb chick in the middle of the parking lot when she stormed off to her car after saying that hurtful ish.

That's right.

It was downright hurtful in a lot of ways. I really thought I was above feeling hurt. Above feeling that painful tug in my chest and that gnawing feeling in my stomach that just makes me want to curl up and die. But turns out, 'Lauren's body' is something of an autonomous structure, hell bent on refusing to follow whatever the fuck I tell it to.

But more exactly, I saw the hurt on her face. That dumb, 'puppy which just got kicked' look. It was irritating as well as concerning. The worst thing about all of this is the fact that I know that she really meant what she said. She really meant that she tried being my friend. She really meant to be genuinely nice to me. She really meant for me to turn over a new leaf. I know she meant it. I know that if it ever came to proving if she meant any of it, she would obviously prove it in a million different ways.

That is exactly why when she cursed out, I knew that she meant it too.

I mean, she won't do anything about girls tryna get into her pants but she'll curse me out for saying I'm not a nerd?!


I can do nothing now other than bury my face in the pillow and sob till my throat hurt.

Joking and teasing someone was always my best game. I didn't really mean to go and say that I would withdraw from the project, though. Maybe I did at that point in time but I certainly don't mean it now.

But she cussed me out. Which probably means that she was (and is) tired of my fat ass anyways. She wouldn't want to do this project with me anymore either. Can't really blame her. I've been a complete asshole.

Which is why I'll be the bigger person. I'll take that file from Cabello's locker, hand it over to Black and withdraw from the project as soon as possible. It's probably best for the both of us.


It's 8:00 in the morning and I'm relatively early to the 8:30 School.

Nerds from various different clubs who attend special classes and programmes, start filling into miscellaneous classrooms for their sessions. I make my way towards the hallway filled with lockers. For some weird reason, I decide to walk on tip-toes, my rubber-soled boots making as little noise as possible.

My heart-rate quickens and a rush takes up my whole body with excitement, as if I'm doing something illegal.

I am doing something illegal. But every shit is illegal only when someone finds out. Until then, it's good.

I did tell Cabello that I was gonna withdraw from the project anyways. I mean, how do you withdraw from a project without actually returning back the file? And how do you do that without taking it away from the locker it's subjected to?

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