Chapter - 3

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Lauren P.O.V

I hate everyone! Ugh!! I hate that egg-head. I hate my hand. I hate that Cabello girl. And I hate that, that Cabello is being nice to me, when I hate her! It's fucking irritating. And gross.

Like, Ew! Why would you be nice to someone who hates you?! I wouldn't be that nice to someone, even if you hand me a free ticket to the 1975 concert! 

I ask that Cabello and she tells me that she is doing it for grades?! Like seriously?! First of all, you don't go and help people who hates you, for something as petty as grades. Second of all, you don't hold the hand of someone who hates you, 'for grades'. Third, YOU DON'T FUCKING GO AND REVERENTLY NURSE THE HAND OF SOMEONE WHO HATES YOU, for grades. Who does she think she is? Mother Teresa?!

Like, did you see her?! She was all careful and caring and...and...and so fucking gentle that I literally wanted to throw up right on her face!

I storm out of the nurse's room without a thanks. I don't even mind taking that ice pack (which was, I have to admit, soothing as fuck) from her.  

I'm too busy fuming out my frustration, I don't notice a small figure bump into me heavily. 

"Holy shit, Lo!" says Ally, now rubbing her chest. "I'm so sorry. You alright?"

Ugh! Why is everyone being nice to me?! One more, I mean, if ONE MORE person is gonna be nice to me today, I'm gonna just rip their hair out! 

"I'm fine!" I snap at her. 

"Whoa! Clearly you aren't over the fight now, are you?"

I groan. I really wanna snap back at Ally, but some part of me prevents me from doing it, as I know, that I have no reason to take out my anger on the little ball of sunshine called Ally.

Great! Now I'm going soft!

Before I open my mouth to say what I think of Ally and her sunshine adventures, she opens her mouth to speak. "You are expected at the principal's office after school"

I sigh. Yup. Punching people inside the school campus really has consequences. 

I nod my head at Ally. She smiles and pulls me into a hug.


I try so hard to pull away from her but she doesn't let go. Damn, this girl is a fucking Koala! 

"I'm really glad that you beat up that Oliver's butt, Lo. I'm so proud of you!" she mumbles into my neck.

She relaxes a little bit, and I see my opening. I push her firmly off of me. "That's enough" I say as I straighten my clothes. Ally smiles brightly.

Ally is one of the few people whom I let to touch me without my permission or knowledge. But that doesn't involve hugging. Even George isn't allowed to hug me before hinting me that he's gonna do it. 

But now, I'm not in the mood to shout at Ally. And it seems like Ally has some pressing issues too, than bothering me with her presence. She says a quick 'Bye Lauren' to me and hurries away towards the same direction I came from. 

Judging by the lack of students in the hallway, classes have already started, so there is no point in going back to class. I would have to head towards the principal's office anyways after the bell. So, I slowly walk towards the school garden.

The sun is shining brightly, making the garden look ethereal. I head towards a lonely tree and sit down under its shade to have a peaceful look over the school garden.

Now, don't get me wrong. I know, I'm Miami High's biggest badass. I'm firm, sassy and don't give a fuck about anyone. But there are some things, that makes me bring my walls down. Even without my permission, I would find myself crumbling down for certain things, in certain circumstances.

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