Author's note

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A/N:  Hey guys!!! This is my first time writing! Well, I like Fifth Harmony and I ship Camren (even though Lauren made it clear she doesn't like it 😁 Yeah I know, I'm that kind of bitch ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

Well, speaking of this story, I got the inspiration from "All an act" by ikrcamila. That story was bomb and I was so sad that the author stopped writing that fic. But an angel of an author called ohhhshitz completed that fic. No offence but even though the ending was good, it kinda didn't sit well with me 🤷‍♀️. I'm sorry.

I'm not gonna rewrite that fic cause it's good as it is. But, I'm gonna be taking the essence of it a little bit into this first fic I'm writing. I really hope that you guys won't mind if you find references to All an act in this story of mine.

And, who am I kidding? This fic is gonna be cringe worthy 😣 pls bear with my mistakes and cringe-y-ness as this is my first time writing and English is not my first language.

Please let me know how it is, by commenting and voting!!

Sooo..... I'm gonna stop talking now... 

Enjoy! 💖

- Ragz 😎

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