Chapter - 7 (Part 2)

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Lauren P.O.V:

"You're gonna kill me, aren't you??"

Weirdo looks towards me with a contorted face, "Kill you? Pfffff what gave you THAT idea?"

"You're driving 10 under the speed limit, you have a bag of candy in your backseat, you're constantly looking over the headboard and the window to check if someone's following us, you're constantly-"

"Oh dear god, can you please stop?!"

"Admitting the truth isn't always fun but it's the right thing to do, Cabello"

She face-palms. Hard.

"How can someone be so annoying THIS early in the morning?" she mutters under her breath.

She's been driving for the past 15 minutes and I don't think we're anywhere close to the place she's taking me to cuz, there's little to zero people around this neighborhood that she's driving me to; probably a reinforcement to the idea that she's gonna murder me and bury me along these sandy side-roads.

Suddenly, she steers the car hard right into what seems like an old abandoned lane inside the bushes.

I hold onto the headboard for dear life. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

She doesn't answer, looking up straight ahead to the narrow but extremely creepy lane in the middle of the bushes.

It's bumpy, weird, creepy, and silent; everything you'll expect in a fucking horror movie.

But then, I make out an outline of a car parked near the bushes and I somehow see that the lane has gotten wider drastically.

I begin noticing a few cars parked randomly, all along the outline of the lane. I really hope she didn't bring me for a meeting to the lair of the serial killers-

She slows down and parks the car with the same randomness of the other cars.

"Come on" she huffs and gets out into the open.

I'm perplexed cuz none of this is a normal or ordinary circumstance. Why did I even agree to this? In a dark creepy place with a weirdo who has candy bags on her backseat-

"Are you gonna sit there and brood all day or are you gonna get out and go watch the show before it get too late??" I hear her call out to me from outside of the car.

Wait . . . . Show?!?! What show?!?!

I step out of the car being hella confused as to what's going on. As soon as I get out she locks the car and starts walking again on the now wider lane. Having nothing else to do, I follow her.

The ground gets lighter, sandier and grainier as we walk and she gets chirper and happier with every step we take, making her look even weird.

Cool breeze starts picking up at random times, making even walking seem like a tireless job.

All of a sudden the bushes widen up even more, leaving a clearing in front of us. A faint sound of waves crashing gets to my ears and then I finally realize where we actually are.

A beach.

Pfffffffff . . . . This was NOT worth all the suspense.

I stop abruptly. "Why are we here?" I ask the weirdo. Surely, she didn't think I'll like beach-time early in the fucking morning, right??

She stops a few feet before me and turns around, "To witness the greatest show of all time"

Ughhhh her calm reply gets on my nerves!!!

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