Chapter - 6

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(A/N: The above picture is just a tiny reminder that, yes, Mila can lift people up, and pose for the photo like it's no big deal. The pic isn't mine though.

This chapter is for someone special who just had their 18th birthday on 5th December 2021)


Camila's P.O.V:

"So, you're telling me," says Dinah "that you spent the whole ass evening with Lauren Jauregui, in your room, alone together, but didn't have sex"

"Shhhh!!!!! Keep your voice low, Dinah! And Lauren has a boyfriend, for god sakes!!" I say and walk up to my locker.

I share my whole trauma from yesterday to Dinah and the first thing that comes out of her mouth is this. Sometimes, I wonder why I am even putting up with her in the first place.

Yesterday was a whirlwind, to be exact. Like, don't get me wrong, but dealing with someone's broken nose, being told to babysit a psychopath for two days a week till the end of school year, and having that same psychopath with you at your own house when the earth is freaking going on a tremble-o-crack jolly ride, isn't exactly my version of a peaceful day, ya know?

And judging by Dinah's response to my crappy yesterday, today isn't gonna be a merry-go-around either, I guess.

"Oh yeah, right" she snickers, "The guy who stuffs his pants to make his thing look bigger. I almost forgot about him"

I slap her arm. "Dinah!!"

"What?! It's the truth. Everyone knows that!! Including Jack the janitor. He thinks he's slick but nuh-uh. Why do you think everyone points and giggles at him whenever he crosses his high and mighty ass anywhere?? I bet even yo' girl knows about it"

"My girl?" I squint my eyes.

"Jauregui" she shrugs her shoulders.

"Dinah!!" another slap to her arm, "She's NOT my girl!! And she HAS A BOYFRIEND"

"Just because there is a goalie, doesn't mean you can't score, mija"

I open my locker and take the books I need for the first class while Dinah leans on the locker beside mine, just smirking at me while I take my books.

She's really getting on my nerves.

I sigh and shake my head, "All I want is, for my best friend to say that she has faith in me and that I can take on this job that is entrusted on me with strength and stuff. But that's too much to ask, isn't it??" I say softly while I pile up the books in my hands.

Dinah's smirk fades away and a creamy smile takes its place instead. "Relax, Mila. I know you can do it. And besides, I just wanted to make you smile, ya feel??"

That was enough to make me beam. I feel like this is the first time I've smiled for real, since yesterday's lunch I guess. I finish staking up the books in my arm, which for the record, reaches up till my chin.

"Jeez!! The first class is just English. Why are taking all of these??" Dinah exclaims and takes half of them in her arms.

"You don't have to take those, Dmac. I can carry them all, you know?"

"I know that. But I just wanted to give you a break from all those stuff you just said and . . ." she turns to look at me "all that packers and movers thing you've been doing must have a toll on you, ya feel??" she says and winks at me.

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