Chapter - 11

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Lauren P.O.V:

First of all, she had no right invading my personal space when we were at the lockers, okay?? Second of all, she should NOT have said my eyes are "The most beautiful emerald eyes in all the world." NO. Like, WHO EVEN SAYS THAT?! IT IS NOT TRUE. I'm pretty sure she pretended to say it sooooo fucking softly just to annoy me.

Third of all, who is she to comment on my eyes like it's a property that she owns, HUH?! SHE DOES NOT OWN MY EYES!!!!! Fourth of all, she started our project A WEEK EARLY!!! WHAT. THE. FUCK?! HOW DARE SHE?! AND SHE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE THE AUDACITY TO TELL THAT TO ME!!!! I'M GONNA RIP HER MEGA-MIND HEAD OFF OF HER BODY I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD-



She immediately flinches, her tiny body almost slamming onto the principal room's door.

She has some nerve calling my name, after what she pulled.

I speed-walk away from the principal's office, my boots making a clip-clop noise in the silent hallway. I feel Cabello trotting behind me but, I pay no heed.

"Jauregui, please . . ."

Her voice is choked up. I can sense that too. Yet, I continue walking.

"Wait. Please . . . Stop." She calls out, attempting to grab my wrist from behind me.

I flinch my hand away, preventing her from doing her ministration. Does she really think that she can fool me into falling for her trap again?? NEVER.

She had one job. JUST THE ONE. And yet, she betrays me again.

Striving to make me feel something other than anger is a lost cause. And this project is nothing but making me feel stuff other than anger. It is not going to work if they're using emotions or emotional conversations to achieve that stupid goal.

Who do they think they are?? HUH?!?!?! I'm not a puppet that can be manipulated however they feel like.

I come to a stand-still abruptly, as my body collides with her weak-ass, tiny frame, which somehow managed to rush past in front of me.

"Lauren, please listen to me." She pleads.

I close my eyes in frustration, my palms clenching up into fists and my arms crossing in front of my chest. Sucker-punching this chick won't be that hard, I know.

Her voice interrupts my thoughts of punching her, "Look, I'm sorry that I rushed things up. I know I should have told you that we're changing the plan but-"

"Changing the plan?! Bitch, are you fucking serious right now?! You didn't even tell me that there was even a plan to begin with!! I didn't even know that we were only supposed to start next week!!"

"I know, but-"

"At least I cared about my own grades, but all you care about is making me your puppet who will dance along to all your devious plans!!"

"What? Listen, Jauregui-"

"This was all your plan, wasn't it?! Trying to make me a weakling so that you can look tough in front of all your friends??"

"You're over thinking this, Jauregui. Can you lis-"

"And you brought faculties into this mastermind plan so that you can achieve this scheme. Of course you pulled it off cuz you have them at the palm of your hands, don't you?!"

"Jauregui. Please. First, listen to what I'm trying to-"

"Don't tell me that you didn't know the plan all along!!"

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