Chapter - 5

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Lauren P.O.V:

The Barbie girl song. What is she?? Eight?? I thought she is more "mature" than having the Barbie girl song as her ringtone. I swear my internal eye is gonna fall off with how much I'm rolling my eyes, internally.

But never in the whole wide world I'm gonna admit that I freaked out because of a fucking earthquake!!

Yeah but now, it's time to remain nonchalant and indifferent. I get things done like that remember?? Yeah.

Cabello . . . she isn't dumb as I thought she would be though. She is intelligent gotta admit that, but she's so awkward and that's just disgusting. But that little shit touched my hip. Twice!! That rat!! Just because my head was spinning doesn't mean that I wasn't aware of the harassment happening to me.

Yeah that's right. She sexually harassed me. What am I gonna do about it?? Well, nothing as of now.

What?? I'm being indifferent remember?? Can't let her think that the things she's doing to me is affecting me in anyway, right-??

"We need to work together if this so called project is gonna work" she says suddenly and I look up from my phone. I wasn't concentrating on it anyways.

I frown. Work together?? With a weirdo?? No thanks.

I scowl at her making sure that my point is getting across that I don't want to be working together with her.

She huffs. She starts pacing around the bed in deep thought. How is that even possible though?? Her room is a mess and how the fuck is she pacing around all of it?!?!?!

I don't even bother looking at it. I'm nonchalant remember?? Yeah. I go back to pretending that my phone is more interesting than a girl pacing on a rubbish floor.

"Jauregui" she calls.


As if I will turn to her call.

"Jauregui!!" she calls much louder this time and I have no choice than to look up.

"What?!" I squint at her.

But my squint vanishes and my eyes widen at the realization. She isn't pacing anymore but is holding up a folder.

The grading folder.


I hate this.

This shit is not what I signed up for when I entered high school. I thought everyone was gonna mind their own business, and I was sure as hell gonna mind my own, with my own thoughts and understanding of things, and my own way of how I want to be, rather than being ordered about by a good for nothing file!!

I huff for the, I don't know, the MILLIONTH time today I guess.

Things aren't gonna be the way I want it to be now, does it?? With a weirdo making me do stuff and TOUCHING MY HIP!!! HOW DARE SHE?!?!?!?!

Shhhh Lauren, you are being indifferent remember?? Calm the fuck down.

I really just want to be under a tree right now, reading whatever the fuck I want, with calming music in my headphones playing slowly and my hand hurting with the way I'm holding my book and me not minding it at all, 'cause of how the book is so interesting, rather than being with this plump-assed bitc-

"Earth to, Jauregui!!" Cabello snaps her fingers in front of my face.

I shake my head slightly. Phew!! A good daydream though, not gonna lie.

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