Chapter - 18

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(A/N:  Missed me?)

Camila P.O.V:

I slam the glass down on the table after a much needed therapy water drink to calm myself down after the whole shabang that just went down.

Lauren looks at me like I'm gonna explode any second. "You okay, baby?"

Her voice is feeble. I really didn't think she would actually keep to referring to me as her girlfriend even when we're out of earshot from anyone, but the way she just said it really makes me believe it for a second, even if it's a stupid thought to have right now when I'm in the middle of FREAKING OUT!!

This whole evening's been a roller-coaster and I need a god dang breath.


People can be sooooo infuriating sometimes!

Every time I think I'm over that Walkman family, here they are! Right in front of my fluffin' face!! Can they let me catch a break, dang it?! I never thought I'd explode the way I did in front of those nincompoops, but I'd be lying if I say it didn't feel good.

It felt incredible to tell them off.

I feel like I'm around Lauren too much to the point where her snarky attitude is rubbing off on me. And I have wayyyyyy too many mixed feelings about that, considering that I'm supposed to change her snarky attitude.

Which is complete bull-crap, by the way.

I don't think she needs to change at all! Just a little manners and she'll be sparkly perfect.

I heave a sigh, remembering that she asked me a question. "Honestly? I really donno . . ." I reply as truthfully as possible.

I really don't.

Everything's muddled in my head and even four glasses full of water did NOT help me clear it up.

Suddenly, I feel soft fingers wrapping themselves around my hand, taking my breath away with it. My eyes shift immediately towards it only to find a pale thumb rubbing soothingly over my knuckles.

I trace my gaze over the delicate arm to meet the most enrapturing green eyes I've ever seen on any human. It's soft. Attentive. Almost . . . caring?


Who knew Lauren Jauregui was capable of that emotion, huh?

My lips curl up involuntarily at that. A warm fuzzy feeling grabs hold of my chest.

My fingers tingle, sending a pipeline of feelings directly to my brain, making heat rise up to my face. It's just a simple touch. Barely a caress. But, the fact that it's her. The fact that she initiated that voluntarily, is enough to make my head go on a ferry wheel.

"I won't bite if you wanna talk about it." She rasps with a slight shrug to her shoulder, as if it wasn't a big deal that she just said that.

My smile grows.

I search her eyes in mild confusion.

A part of me knows that this is all supposed to be a narrative to hold up the girlfriend-girlfriend drama, but at this point, I really don't care if its fake cuz the way she's looking at me right now is making me feel things that is entirely not plausible to feel in a 'fake' relationship.

Then there is this other part of me who can't help but be as vulnerable to her as possible. To tell her every secret. To rant everything I'm feeling. To pour my heart out. To share my soul. To intertwine it with hers.

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