Chapter - 14

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Camila P.O.V:

I . . . am so . . . freaking . . . gay . . .

Not even a little bit. Truck loads.

It's sooooo obvious to the point where I wet my bottoms every time Lauren is even 3 feet away from me. It's absolutely inappropriate and ridiculous.

And a part of it is her fault too. She can't just go around . . . making people wonder about their existence all the time. She needs to . . . reign it in. Have some respect. Behave. It's not like she's a child who needs to be taught basic, proper etiquettes. She needs to stop turning everyone she meets gay.

I jump violently as my phone rings up. I look down at the caller ID and smile. Just who I needed to talk to.

"Hello, D-Mac!" I drop myself on the bed with two pillows cushioning my back.

"Heyyyyy, Chica!! Am I . . . interrupting something?" Dinah's voice hints playfully through the phone.

"Nothing much but my intrusive thoughts. Why do you ask, my lady?" I fake a British accent with the same enthusiasm, grinning ear to ear.

"So you aren't shagging that pale-ass vampire?"

"Dinah!! How many times have I told you-?"

"-that she isn't the one you're shagging? Well, can't say I've been hearing that less."

I groan.

Dinah's child-like laughter comes wafting in through the phone. "So, how's your day been??"

I groan again and slump down even further into my bed. "Horrible!! It's not even two days and Lauren and I have almost kissed 3 flipping times now, can you believe me?? THREE!!"

A short pause. "How's that even remotely horrible?" Dinah's confused tone baffles me.

"In every which way possible! She's a bully for Pete's sake, Dinah! And rude, and obnoxious, and stale, and irritating, and- For all I know, she might be walking around like a vixen, with those magnetic green eyes, saying that she wants to seduce me, leaning in to kiss me, doing irresistible stuff like that and what not, just to taunt me into admitting that I'm in love with her or something and then make a whole joke out of me and laugh in front of all her 'untouchable' friends and-"

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, hey calm down, Chancho, what the hell?? Slow down, girl. Take it easy. Breathe, woman . . ."

Dinah's interruption pauses me abruptly from the rant that I didn't even know I was jabbering. I take a deep breath in, suddenly noticing that I'm running out of air too.


No matter where she is, Lauren's always testing my patience.

"Sorry, Dinah. Sorry . . ."

"Whatcha sorry for?"

"I- I donno . . . I . . ." My voice trails off.

I hear Dinah sigh. Then her tone comes out soft. "Mila . . . What is it? Is she giving you trouble? Real trouble?"

"Not more than I can handle . . ."

"Then what is it?"

I notice a stray pick a stray piece of thread detached from my shirt and pick at it.

"It's just that . . ."


"It's just that . . . I think I might be into her, you know? Like . . . I donno- I might be interested in her? It's all a bit hazy. But, I've just now come out to myself as gay and I feel like it's the thrill of it, you know what I mean? Like . . . You discover something new and you can't wait to test it out? It's like that. And I don't know if she's trustworthy either. But, I'm scared. What if all of this is just another joke to her?"

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