Bonus Chapter 3

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I didn't reply.

Kelly poked my side. "Psst."

No reply still.

"Peaches, I know you can hear me. You're sitting right in front of me and staring out the window. "

"Fine." I huffed. "You caught me."


I glanced at her. "Do you need something?"

Her expression changed from bring carefree to worry filled. She sat on my bed and fiddled with her hands. "Do you have any idea why Maho is not open to love?"

"Maho not open to love?" I tapped my chin in thought. "Nope."

Her shoulders slumped, discouragement flickering through her eyes. "Then what am I supposed to do?"

I took her hands into mine and squeezed them. "Let it go."

"What?" She glanced up, surprised.

"If he doesn't like you, then don't force him. There are about seven billion people in this world, Kelly. You'll always find someone else. Someone that will be so in love with you, it would make him sad to not see you or talk to you in a day. Someone that will love you fiercely and will take care of you, someone that will be willing and joyful to stay with you forever. Someone that only you can make him happy and content, well apart from Jesus," I added as an afterthought. "Someone that will love you for you."

She blinked, tears welling up in her eyes. "I...I...T–thank you."

"You know, I always pushed Neri away. But he persevered and here we are." I motioned all around to signify our upcoming wedding. "I was even dating Icy and kept Neri at the sidelines. There's someone for you, Kelly."

"I're right." She kept her gaze on her hands. "But my heart still longs for Maho."

"I understand. You can't stop liking him at once. Your feelings are not like a switch that can be turned off and on. It'll take time. All I'm saying is that you should keep your heart open to loving others. Don't think that because you like Maho, you won't consider others. Especially with the way he is behaving."

She nodded and wiped the tears trickling down her face. "I–I guess so."

"How did you guys even meet?" I was eager to change the subject.

She sighed again, a wistful look filling her eyes. "It was like in the movies. That day, I was rushing to work and didn't see a cyclist who was coming towards me at full speed. Just as he was about to hit me, Maho came and hid behind me."

"Excuse me? He hid behind you?"

"Yeah. We were both rushing and the cyclist would have hit us both. It was then I realized he would do anything to protect me."

I blinked. "You've got to be kidding me."

"Nope. It was just like a fairytale. It still is." A corner of her lips lifted in the tiniest of smiles.

"That–" My phone vibrated against my thigh and I brought it out of my pocket. "Hello?"

"Peaches, tell Kelly to come for rehearsal." Les' voice came through the receiver.

"How did you know she's with me?"

"Because everyone was here when she said she was going upstairs to see you."

"Oh. Well, she's here with me."

"I know that." His irritation was palpable.

"When you learn how to be polite, call me back." I ordered and ended the call.

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