Bonus Chapter 5

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I jerked awake in bed, my hand slapping against my leg where I felt a sting.

"Took you long enough."

My eyes snapped to the person that just spoke.

"What?" I asked as I sat up and yawned.

Snow crossed her legs at the ankles. "Have you forgotten what today is?"


She nodded.

"What is–" Then it came flooding back.

My wedding's today. I shared a laugh with Snow, before going down on my knees to thank God for today. Then I committed the whole event into His hands, asking that His name be glorified.

Afterwards, I went downstairs to take my bath. Everything was going on well, to my utmost surprise, considering how my friends were.

The only hitch was that everyone had to line up for the bathroom which Maho refused to come out from.

After forty minutes, I pounded on the door. "Maho, what are you still doing in there?"

No reply came, but soon after he opened the door and walked past me. He bumped my shoulder, making me stumble back. "You won't be able to understand, O jittery one."

"Ha ha. Very funny." I said and moved towards the door.

But as I did so, Link pushed past me and dashed in.

"Really?" I shrieked.

I threw my hands up in the air and leaned against the wall, waiting. Few minutes later, he came out, a scowl on his face.

"You need to get rid of that frown, Link. Your features are starting to mar with you scowling all the time."

"None of your business." He said, his scowl deepening.

While I was talking to Link, Rally rushed into the bathroom and locked the door.

At this, I burst into tears, unable to take it any longer.

"What's wrong, babe? Who's making you cry?" Neri asked, appearing from around the corner.

I hiccupped and wiped my tears. "Everyone has been going into the bathroom when I need to take my bath and start my makeup on time."

"Who's in there now?"


Neri squeezed my shoulder and then turned to the door. He banged on it. "Rally! Rally!"

A minute later, Rally opened the door and flounced out. "You know, my real name is Derek. I'm tired of this rally name. Am I a form of protest or what?"

Neri shrugged. "You named yourself that. Who were we to question you?"

"Actually, I would have appreciated it if someone had challenged me on that name."

"No one cares." I said, cutting him short. "We didn't because no one cares."

Rally's lips curved up in a smile. "For a bride-to-be, you look really beautiful."

Neri and I exchanged glances. Then Neri stepped in front of me in a protective stance.

"What are you up to?" I heard Neri ask.

A laugh spilled from Rally's mouth. "Nothing. Nothing at all."

Then he sauntered off, looking me in the eye before he did.

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