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I heard bad news when I woke up.

The mission that Panda, Icy and Sugar went for was successful but due to all the fighting that went on, Sugar ended up with a broken hip bone, bruised ribs and a fractured leg. My brother ended up with a broken nose, two broken fingers, a head bump and split lips. Icy ended up with broken arms, split lips and an injury that ran across his cheek. It came from the knife of the opposition. It was probably supposed to slash his eye, but thankfully he turned away at that moment and ended up with a nasty injury instead.

That wasn't the bad news though.

I was supposed to join the rest of the gang in going out for operations since I had been with them for a few weeks and I had been taught the rules and regulations of the gang.

But now that three of our members were severely injured and I happened to be the latest addition to the gang, I was assigned to take care of them.

"I'm not a doctor. Or nurse." I grumbled to Race.

"But we are." Snow and Blue chipped in.

They wanted to stay back to laze around so they tried coming up with excuses, but Race was having none of it.

"You two are still coming with me. Peaches, I'm going to send over a doctor and two nurses to take care of them. After they leave, then you'll take over. You'll get everything Panda, Sugar and Icy will need and help them with it."

I pouted. "But Blue and Snow are volunteering. Why can't they do it instead?"

"Don't you want to help your brother?" Race asked.

Immediately, I caved. "Say no more. I will. But one condition."

Race raised an eyebrow. "Are you giving me orders now?"

I laughed nervously. "Never. You da boss."

I quickly corrected myself when he glared at me. "You're the boss."

When I saw his smile of approval, I continued. "Please, can you allow Snow and Blue to wait behind with me? I can't handle the three of them all on my own. They are severely injured and cranky."

Race looked thoughtful.

"Pleeeeaaaaase." The three of us gave him our best puppy dog face.

"It's not working." He informed us. "But okay. They'll stay to help. You three are to help them till they fully recover. The doctor and nurses will be coming periodically to check up on them though."

We all nodded in agreement.

"Thanks." I smiled

He smiled back. "You're welcome."

He motioned to Maho, Les and Beauty who had been standing beside him all the while we were pleading with him. "Let's go."

After they left, and the doctor and nurses had also come and gone; they had bandaged them up and put casts for those who needed it, we decided to assign ourselves each to one injured person. We reasoned that going to each person together would be time consuming, so Blue was assigned to take care of Sugar, Snow was assigned to take care of Panda and I was assigned to take care of Icy.

Well, actually Snow chose Panda happily while Blue said he considered it weird to be taking care of Icy so he chose Sugar. I had no choice but to choose Icy then.

It wasn't a pleasant experience.

Because his arms were broken and he couldn't do anything with them, I became his personal slave.

"Open the windows. I feel suffocated in this stuffy room."

"Feed me."

"Put on my socks for me."

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