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An after party was held to celebrate the end of the Christmas special. There was really no bad blood between the gangs, as we all gathered to celebrate Christmas together.

The party was a fun way of releasing the stress of the competition, yet at the same time enjoying the Christmas season together.

At the party, I observed that one of the waiters present was that waiter guy I met earlier at the restaurant where I forgot my purse. I noticed his eyes would stray to mine at times, but after a while I forgot all about him.

Eventually, the partying spirit lifted. I was left feeling weary and in need of some fresh air so I walked to the balcony alone with a drink in my hand.

Breathing in the fresh air, I let the cool evening breeze softly tousle my hair. Feeling grateful to be alive, I had just moved to take a sip of my drink when I suddenly heard a voice behind me. "No longer interested in the party?"

So much for being alone.

I whirled around. Although I was surprised to see him, I attempted to play it cool by turning back with a slight shrug of my shoulders. "Not really."

He came to stand beside me, his voice soft as if he didn't want to disturb the serene atmosphere. "I'm Neri."

"Neri?" I was confused.


"You aren't American?" I enquired.

"I am. Partly though. My mum is a Jew, hence the name."

I nodded. "What does it mean?"

"A lamp or a candle. Basically, it signifies illumination."

I nodded. Again.

"Peaches, right?" He confirmed.


"Is that your real name?"

I shook my head as I gulped my drink all at once. "Jennifer." I spoke, looking up at him.

He didn't respond for a while, before finally asking, "What about your boyfriend?"

"He's fine." Then I realized. "How did you know he was my boyfriend?"

He shrugged. "Pretty obvious. If he isn't, then he definitely likes you. I mean, I was asking for your name and he saw me as a rival."

I tried defending Icy but he just waved it off. "I understand. I'd probably do the same under similar circumstances."

I didn't have any reply to that so I just looked at the night sky, attempting to count the twinkling stars.

We stood like this in silence for a while, but I found it uncomfortable and so searched my mind for something to say. Eventually I gave up and decided to stare at him instead. At least that will creep him out and he'll leave me alone.

Works all the time.

I looked over at him to carry out my plan when I saw a scar on his jaw, which I hadn't noticed before.

I really couldn't help being the proverbial curious cat. "What happened to you here?" I traced his scar lightly with my fingertip.

He didn't answer or even acknowledge my question, resulting in the both of us standing in silence once again.

Just when I was about to give up on hearing his reply, he spoke. He was leaning on the rail of the balcony with a bottle of sprite in his hand and kept shifting it from one hand to the other, both of us watching the drink slosh about inside. "Crazy story actually. When I tell people, they don't usually believe me because it sounds very unlikely."

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