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"What do you mean by you lost him?"

He fidgeted, looking down at the floor.

I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself. "Link, what do you mean by you lost him?" Clearly my attempts for calmness were in vain as I ended up losing my cool, nearly yelling at him.

He stammered. "Well um, I took a break, just a tiny one -" He motioned by leaving a small space between his forefinger and his thumb "- and by the time I got back, he wasn't there anymore."

Link had been assigned to stay around my uncle's current house and keep an eye on him. But now, my uncle had disappeared again all because Link took a break.

I leaned back against the chair, crossed my legs and watched him shift nervously from one foot to another.

He was just a boy. He couldn't even meet my gaze.

In any case, I couldn't do anything to him. I wasn't the one who employed him, so the extent of my authority over him was limited.

And even if I could deal with him, I most likely would decide against it because he was still young and inexperienced. He looked so scared right now, his mind probably imagining the torture that awaited him for failing at his job. But there would be none, I would make sure of that. I believe we all have failed at one point or the other in our lives, and I wouldn't like it if someone tortured me over a mistake I made.

But then, I knew it would be difficult to locate my uncle again. Especially since it took Race so long to find him this time. Surprisingly, he moved before the two months period was up. Maybe he knew he was being watched, although I can bet he would never have thought I was the one behind it.

"It's okay." I told Link with a wave of my hand.

He looked at me in disbelief. His mouth opened to say something, but words weren't forthcoming.

I nodded. "Yeah, it is."

He smiled gratefully, nodded in gratitude before shuffling to the back of the shed.

I clapped my hands gleefully. "No more shenanigans people. It's showtime."

"That was what you said the last time." One of the guys with me pointed out.

Not my fault Race took it out of my mouth the first time. Therefore, any attempt I get now, I quickly say it before anyone does.

I rolled my eyes. "Well, now I'm saying it again. Get Race, tell him it's showtime."

"See, you said it again." The same guy said.

I gritted my teeth. "Got a problem with that, Ratty?"

He folded his arms. "Get a different word. That one's getting old and overused."

"Like your face." I muttered under my breath.

"Heard that! And besides, my name is not Ratty. It's Rally. This is about the fourteenth time I would be correcting you, ya know."

When he noticed the blank expression on my face, he asked, "Are you even listening to me?"

"Huh? All I heard you say was "Hea-" and I zoned out after that."

He looked cross, and opened his mouth to probably give me a befitting reply but the door opened then and we all stood up to acknowledge Race's presence.


Blue sidled up to me while we all sat in the living room. I looked up at him and for a moment got lost in the chubbiness of his cheeks.

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