The End

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September 21, 2019.

Tears filled my eyes as I smiled happily while holding Jade's train as she walked down the aisle towards her groom, a sweet melody filling the air.

Who would have thought that my prank of setting them up on that date would lead to this? Guess I'm a real genius after all.

Amazingly I managed to round up everyone and make them come for the wedding. Race and Sugar had two kids now, Beauty was engaged and she came with her Prince, and a lot of security who tried to blend in by dressing up as wedding guests, Maho was almost done with college and was lecturing high school students during the summer for some extra bucks.

I burst into laughter when he mentioned this and asked how he was coping with them. I expected him to sigh and look dreadful, but instead he told me frankly that after living with me, he could cope with any situation on earth. I just threw him a dirty look before we both burst out laughing again.

Icy was also married, and yes that came as a surprise to me. Not as if I still liked him or anything but I didn't just see that coming. Maybe that's why he remained on the low.

Les was also around, and he even performed with his band later at the reception.

I still missed my family like crazy and at times would wonder how the story would have been different if my parents never died. But God still remains good, and He has shown me favor despite all.

After we were done in church and were at the reception, I was looking over the invitees to see if everything was going according to plan when I noticed Race walking towards me with a certain teenage girl by his side.

I squinted as they came closer. Could that be?

Tears welled up in my eyes again when she smiled shyly at me and gave a little wave. I stood transfixed till they reached me before reaching out to her slowly, grabbing her hand and then pulling her into my embrace to make sure she was really there, and not a figment of my overactive imagination.

She hugged me back as the tears spilled down my face, ruining my makeup.


After I met Race and he promised to help us, I told him I didn't want Diane to join the gang or be involved in such shady things. She was still young and innocent then, and I didn't want that to be shattered.

I didn't know where he took her, but he promised me she was being looked after well and she was also attending school. I had told Nathan and they spoke a few times on the phone, with him promising her that one day we would all be together again.

I pulled back and looked at her. "H-how have you been, baby sis?"

She smiled through her tears. "Been good. You?"

I hugged her again. "Better now that I have you again."

I held her hand and practically dragged her outside, because we crying at a wedding was starting to draw unwanted attention.

She already knew everything about Nathan and Rob from Race, but she cried again when I mentioned it. I stood quietly beside her while she let it all out, the cool soft breeze gently ruffling both our hairs.

"Jenny?" She said when she had quieted down.


"Thank you." She sniffled.

I wrapped my arm around her. "For what?"

"For everything. For trying your best to protect us back then and for ensuring I was well taken care of."

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