Bonus Chapter 4

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Standing in the hallway, I rubbed my hands together as a plan formulated in my mind. I would get Neri and Link together and make sure they have that discussion that they need to mend their relationship.

I threw my head back and cackled, rubbing my hands even faster.

Maho passed me by in the hallway and stopped for a moment. "Any faster and fire would spark from those hands of yours. Besides, why do you keep cackling? Are you about to start reeling out incantations?"

"Ha ha. Very funny, Iroko."

He paid me no attention after this.

After he was gone and no one was left in the hallway, I leaned against the door of my room and banged my hand on the door post.

"Help me! Help me! Somebody please help me!"

Rally charged out of his room, his eyes darting to and fro.

"What's wrong? What's going on?"
His eyes landed on me and he looked me over. "Are you okay?"

I nodded and waved him off. "I'm fine. I just need Neri to get here."

He blinked. "So you can't go to his room? Or call him on the phone like every normal person?"

"Return to thy ocean depths from whence thou came, O leviathan." I shooed him away.

He shook his head and walked back to his room, muttering to himself about how incorrigible I was and blah, blah, blah.

I leaned against the door and banged my hand harder on the door post. "Help me! Please, somebody, anybody, come to my aid."

"Keep it down there, would ya?" Race shouted from his room.

I huffed and increased my voice. "Somebody, help me please!"

Neri rushed out of his room, his hands holding a mop up in the air. His eyes were red rimmed and sleepy, his hair sticking out in different angles. "What's wrong? What happened? Are you hurt?"

I grinned at him and waved at him. "Neri, I knew you would come here to help me. It took you long enough though."

His eyes scanned the hallway before landing on me. "Where's the intruder?"

"There's no intruder. I just needed you to come, that's all."

"Jennifer, you could just have called me. Or come to my room."

"And lose the chance to be dramatic? Never."

"Right." He yawned and let the mop drop. "So what do you need?"

I held up my finger to signify that he should wait while I called for someone else. "Link! Link, get up here!"

A few minutes later Link popped his head out of his room. "What is it this time, Peaches? Haven't you tortured me enough? Let me guess, you need another foot massage?"

"You massaged her feet?" Neri asked.

"You don't want to know." Link shuddered.

"What is it?" Neri asked. "Why are both of us here?"

I moved further into my room and Neri followed me in.


I called for him and soon he also entered my room. I gestured around. "I want both of you should settle your differences today. The room is big enough if you need to shout and move around. But the two of you mustn't leave this room without making up."

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