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We all woke up late, but instead of hurrying so as not to miss the church service further, we moved at our normal pace and even still prepared food that we ate before leaving for the church.

"Here, this is for you because of your big head." Maho said as he dropped the huge roasted turkey lap on my plate. This is because the person who cooks is the one who serves everyone. The cooking schedule is turn by turn, and now it was Maho's turn to cook.

"Not fair. I want plenty meat too." Blue complained not really seeing that Maho was trying to insult me.

Maho dropped the eye of the turkey on Blue's plate and the second one on Les' plate. "This is all you both shall get."

I smiled, dashed to the kitchen, picked up a tuber of yam and dashed back to the dinning table where everyone sat eating. By now I had regained my voice so I spoke out as I dropped it on his laps. "And this is for you, you know, 'cause your legs are yam like."

The others laughed. Icy even sent me a wink in addition.

"Both of you are like cat and dog." Race said as he tore his turkey wing apart.

Maho dropped the tuber on the floor and continued eating. "My legs are toned not tuber like. Learn the difference."

"Whatever makes you happy." I retorted before digging into my food, eating everything that was on my plate which consisted of the turkey meat and spaghetti with white sauce.

Blue and Les didn't look too happy - though they eventually got an edible part of the turkey which I saw them devouring with their spaghetti. I could bet they were going to pay Maho back. I don't even know what they could have done to him that made him give them the eyes of the turkey. However, knowing Maho, they probably did nothing. He was just being his usual sinister self.

We left for church after Maho was done doing the dishes, because the one who cooks is the one who serves and who also does the dishes. Anyone else can volunteer to assist such person, but the latter still remains the one in charge of food for the whole day.

I climbed down from the roof of the bus, trying my best not to fall splat on my face. Panda moved close to me to help me but I shooed him away. "I'm a big girl. I can do this myself." I reassured him. But Beauty just had to talk. "Stop being such a headful - I meant handful and let him help you."

I glared at them as Beauty, Maho, Race and Sugar burst into laughter while the rest looked at me with sympathy. And despite the fact that I told Panda I needed no assistance, he still stayed close to me in case of anything that could happen.

That's the way family is, you try to push them away but like an elastic band, they'd snap back and move even closer to you.

I had tried to use a scarf, then a hat to cover my head, but I couldn't find one big enough, so I ended up using one of the curtains in my room.

I'd succeeded in persuading my gang members to follow me to church. I was surprised at this. They agreed when I mentioned it, telling me that since they followed Maho to his place, and Sugar and Beauty to theirs, they might as well follow me to mine.

We walked into church and were ushered to the available seats. Since we came in late, most of the seats were occupied so we were not all able to seat together. Icy was on my right, Les and Race were in front of me, Blue was seated behind me and I couldn't locate the rest because the church was a large one.

We met the middle of the sermon till the end. The guy seated to my left kept his head down throughout the time I was there. He kept scribbling everything the Pastor was saying. Eventually, my attention shifted from him to the Pastor who was preaching. I wasn't listening actually, I just kept thinking of how I could regain normalcy from this God that the Christians proclaimed.

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