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We moved in stealthily, making sure to close in on him before he could even realize what was going on. It was a month after the New Year's party, and although I didn't see Neri around as much as before, he made sure to give me a hug and and a heartwarming smile whenever our paths crossed.

I stifled a smile. As if I like him doing that.

Shaking my head vigorously, I attempted to clear my thoughts and focus on the mission at hand.

By now, I had finally explained everything to my brother, smiling in satisfaction when I saw his eyes blaze with vengeance.

As we walked through the forest towards my uncle's abode, I gripped Panda's hand. Then I glanced around to make sure everyone still had their weapons.

I purchased the weapons through Race, and that was the package he helped me to keep when he drove off after we returned from the shed during the Christmas Special.

Jumping over a root that jutted out into the pathway, my mind couldn't help but wander back to that night.


"Where did you go?" My uncle Robert asked, his eyes cold yet angry.

"I - I - um - I", I stammered, finding it difficult to give him a sensible reply.

"You what?" he asked calmly, his cold voice sending shivers down my spine.

I begun to cry, unable to answer.

He stood up and moved closer to me. Cupping my face with his hand, he lightly stroked my cheek. "Stop crying." he said quietly.

I quickly wiped my tears, but they refused to quit streaming down my face.

"Stop crying." he repeated, the gun in his other hand poking my side.

I sniffled, but the tears still kept coming.

"I said STOP CRYING!" He shouted, his face closer to mine.

I trembled, wishing I could disappear. Wishing I wasn't in this situation right now. Even wishing I was never born.

He lifted my chin, and smiled humorlessly. Then he proceeded to drop his gun while holding my gaze, knowing fully well that I couldn't even try any mischief against him.

He slowly began to unbutton his shirt, before undoing mine too.

I froze.

No. Please.

Not this after everything I've endured at my uncle's hands.

Not after all the times he locked me in the bathroom for days and blocked water from entering through the tap so that I was forced to drink the water already inside the toilet bowl in order to stay alive. Not after he compelled me to kill one of his bodyguards that had betrayed him, and then locked me up with the dead body in a dark room for a whole night for no reason at all.

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