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Finally, after several grueling weeks of being their personal servants, they were all healed. I'm so glad that's over, because I was starting to slim down just by nursing Icy back to health.

But some good things did come out of it. Panda's eyes opened to see Snow's love for him and like Snow White he fell in love with her, so they are now dating.

Get the irony? Instead of Snow being the one to open her eyes to see Panda, it was the other way round. He he.

Also, Icy and I became a bit closer. Not almost dating kind of friends, just close friends.

And well, Blue got beaten by Sugar anytime he tried to help her but mistakenly touched someplace inappropriate.

Okay, I guess that wasn't a good thing that happened to Blue.

But it was for Snow and for me.

Icy is usually quiet, so breaking through his silence and finally getting to be his friend and not just his gang member was an accomplishment to me.

And for Snow, hers was a big achievement. Getting someone you like to love you back and eventually you both end up together in a relationship?

Serious accomplishment.

Anyway, since they were all healed and up and doing, Race eventually agreed to take me on our next mission which is tomorrow.

I'm looking forward to the experience!


We were at the battle ground when I discovered something.

Everyone in their various gangs fought according to what they were known for. We were fighting against the Dancing Gang today which was why, with Icy as my partner I wore a suit that belonged to Snow and shook hands with our opponents before Icy and I ran behind an uncompleted building and began to shoot.

This is really crappy.

But then the strangest thing happened.

The other two that we shook hands with were the Dancing gang, which was why the guy among them had to breakdance a bit before firing at us.

This is sad.

Unfortunately, I didn't know how to use a gun properly, if not he'd be long gone from this world before he was done dancing.

I turned to ask Icy why he wasn't shooting the guy when I noticed that his eye were fixed on something and he looked lost. I followed his line of vision to see what could have captured his attention to such an extent that he couldn't even remember he was supposed to be in a war zone.

Then I saw it, or rather her.

She was among the Dancing gang as a ballerina. I watched enraptured as she twirled gracefully in the air before landing on her tippytoes with a gun in her hand which she used to shoot Sugar in the forehead.

I gasped in shock as I watched Sugar fall down.

Sugar was dead. That was definitely unexpected.

I looked at Icy to see if he saw what just happened. However, he was too enraptured by her gracefulness to even notice she just committed murder. I hit Icy on the arm to get his attention.

"What?" He hissed in annoyance because I had disturbed his love trance or whatever it was that he was in.

"Sugar is dead." I told him.

That made him alert immediately but it left me wondering how he didn't notice it at first.

Immediately Race noticed, he beckoned to us all to exit as quickly as possible before carrying Sugar in his arms and leaving. We had come in two cars: Race, Panda, Snow, Beauty and Sugar in one; Maho, Icy, Blue, Les and I in the other. Race and Maho were partners, Blue and Beauty were partners, Panda and Sugar, Icy and I, then Les and Snow.

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