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I came out of my room and began to walk back to the living room where I fainted, cringing as I remembered what transpired earlier.

Way to go! Yoohoo!!

I rolled my eyes at myself. I should feel embarrassed, but those are for people who have shame.

For the meantime, I was using a scarf I found in Panda's room to cover my head. Why he had a scarf among his clothes, I have no idea. Everyone has their own room, and their names were printed on plaques that were attached to the front of their door. I'm so grateful to whoever came up with that idea and carried it out, because that was how I knew his room.

While I lived with my uncle, he would order people to shave our hair so that we would be unattractive even if there happened to be a Prince Charming who saw us and wanted to rescue us. 'Us' being my sisters and I, because by the time my uncle came up with that crazy theory my brother was long gone.

We shaved our hair completely and we've been doing it for years now. It was after I left him that Race hurriedly bought a wig for me which I've been wearing since then.

I opened the door and breezed in. "Yo peeps! Sup?" I gave Shirtless a head nod, winked at Maho and tried to touch Blue's cheeks again but he swatted my hands away.

"It's not my fault your cheeks are calling out to me." I stretched my hands in front of me and began to behave like a zombie. "Must... touch... cheeeeeeks." I deepened my voice and dragged out the "ee" in cheeks.

Blue just rolled his eyes and continued typing on his phone. That was when I realized that everyone was on their phone.

I pouted. I didn't have a phone. Never had one.

My uncle thought it was best if we didn't have phones so that we "wouldn't try anything funny with them." His words, not mine.

Since everyone was engrossed with their phones, I looked around to see who I could disturb well aware of the fact that even though Panda pretended to be on his phone, he was watching me through the corner of his eyes. I also tried searching for my wig subtly but I saw no sign of it.

Who could have taken it? I'm sure it fell here...

I walked to Mahogany who had blatantly refused to acknowledge my wink earlier on. "Sup dawg." I drawled out as I bumped my shoulder against his.

"Hey." He didn't look up when he replied. Infact his "hey" was spoken so fast I could have missed it.

"What's happenin' bruh?" I prodded further.

He sighed. "Why don't you mind your business?"

I placed my hands on my chest. "You hurt me dude. I wanna let you know that you gat nothin' on me tho."

He glared at me. "Just because we are a gang doesn't mean we talk like that."

"Yeah." Shirtless piped up. "All the gangs are peculiar. We are the respectable gang. The gang that talks like that is the BE gang."

"The BE gang?"

"Yep. The Broken English gang."

My jaw dropped to the floor. "The what?"

Blue who had been listening, actually everyone was listening, chuckled. "Sounds funny right? I was shocked when I heard it too."

"More like hilarious." I laughed. "So what are we peculiar for in this gang?"

"Oh. Since we are the respectable gang, we act accordingly." Snow answered.

I nodded slowly. "I get it now."

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